
You forget Donald Trump and Kanye West, plenty of famous narcissistic people accumulate wealth, fame, and adoration. Narcissism is the addiction to attention, they are more motivated to grab it than anyone, and have zero issues with abusing people to get it.

Now why would a black man want to leave Ohio? I wonder... 🤔

LeBron is the real GOAT anyway. Regardless, MJ, Wilt, and I hope it’s not too soon but you know who all have incredibly inflated egos with the first two definitely being narcissists. Honestly, as cool as LBJ seems I still keep a suspicious eye on him or any other public figure worth millions (don’t ever divorce Bron).…

Not sure how you pick Biden over Kamala. I guess policy just doesn't matter to some people.

The Sander’s fans online are openly predicting a Biden loss to Trump. I hope we have a plan to shut that stuff down. Biden is all we have now. It’s time to focus. We need everybody to show up, I don't want to see another 2016.

And people keep telling me that Atlanta Georgia is some kind of black paradise. I don’t believe it. It’s still in Georgia. The fact that people like this exist in the “Democratic party” makes it impossible for me to trust the party. It means completely different things in different states. That’s why I’m a progressive…

In China the beauty standard is paleness. I do think more diversity can help China evolve, but they really need to start with the government and basic human rights.

I’m talking about black mass incarceration. I get that China is an insanely oppressive country. They just don’t have the same race issues America does. They have committed acts of genocide and other gruesome atrocities against their own people. I also have no illusion that anti-black racism can’t reach horror levels…

True, however being killed and being harassed isn't even the same Olympic event.

Doesn't help any when they cross paths with black people.

I wouldn’t go that far. They don’t hold mass lynchings. They don’t have mass incarceration. They are racist but it isn’t as violent or single minded as American racism. Unfortunately, it is tainted by American racism, without of any of America’s public filters in place.

Asians bleach their skin and hide from the sun with umbrellas, to maximize their paleness.

This is what happens when your life is miserable, but white privilege tells you that it has to be a black or brown persons fault.

As much of a fool as this man is, I never held any expectations so he can’t disappoint me. What does disappoint me, is when I see groups of black people form around people like him. Just being on a familiar face can be enough to build a fan club.

Not using leather isn’t just about animal cruelty, it’s also about reducing greenhouse emissions from cattle.

If it was 1850 and these two were free, they would be using that freedom to sell slaves.

I just explained it. Black people picked him so he could win over white "moderates" in the general election. It's a calculated choice.

Biden’s strength is being dumb, mediocre, and inoffensive enough for White America to find him relatable. That’s what we call “electability.”

What does any of that have to do with a general election? 

Black churches aren’t immune to this. I attended a wedding where the pastor said “Blu Blu blu la la la pla pla pla” and called it “speaking in tongues.” People actually applauded him.🤦‍♂️