
Wells Fargo is a bank. Banks make the rules. It’s like the cable companies, they have enough power to do whatever they want. No auto-manufacturer has that kind of power. They can actually lose business. Customers are not locked into a brand of car.

You need to update your information. That misunderstanding was resolved. No one is expecting companies to be perfect. We just want to not be intentionally defrauded like what 3rd party dealerships do.

Most people would be fine with a small CUV and the occasional U-Haul trailer when they need it. Those things $16 for the whole day. Pickups are a waste for 90% of the people who buy them, including tons of business owners.

What are you talking about? VW paid big time for that! That’s why they’re ditching everything for EV’s now. That’s exactly what I am talking about. A 3rd party dealership isn’t going to have those kinds of problems.

The people we choose to make famous. I whish we had higher standards.

Some people just don't like aerodynamics. 🙄

Yes there is, brand equity.

I read an article about why Biden has the “black vote,” one individual explained that only Biden had a chance at convincing White people to not vote for Trump. In essence they were willing to suspend their interest in anticipation of White behavior. How is that not a total surrender? Of course, I expect this in the

All that money and it still turns dead dinosaurs into lung cancer, asthma, and dementia? It’s 2020 Koenisegg, even the “poors” have upgraded to full electric.

Tesla doesn't forge signatures or any of these other scams.

Texas at it again. I told people that voting isn’t going save us. The votes we need are never going to get counted. Trump doesn’t have to convince voters, he just needs to screw enough of us to tip the scales his way. Impeachment and removal was our only chance, but White America wouldn’t show up for that. Not even

Obama lead his party, Democrats failed him and then they lost the midterms to Republicans, and then the Republicans blocked him. Obama never had a chance and if Republicans keep the Senate, then no Democratic president will either. There is no reaching across aisles to Nazis.

Buy now. Don't wait.

That's really not true. You can ding Obama for continuing Bush's wars, but we all know they weren't going to a black man named Hussein end the war on terror. He definitely let Wall Street off the hook, however he pushed for immigration reform, health care, education, and he created the green jobs plan. Obama cared

Joe Mass Incarceration Robinette Biden needs to sit down. His middle name can’t fix his track record or his mind. Do black people really not care about the environment? We’re the first ones breathing, drinking, and swimming in the pollution that centrists like Biden are trying to keep. Biden still wants a war on

Russian interference is real. It works because of racism, but it’s effect is not limited to white people. Black people are just as readily fooled which is why Kamala Harris is no longer running. Now we’re stuck between Bloomberg, Biden, and Bernie. Only the last of which will be any good for black people.

If Warren leads in the primary by the time it gets to me, then she’s got my vote. Elsewise I am voting for Bernie. Whatever happens, it absolutely must not be Bloomberg!

Bloomberg is the reason we better pray for Bernie. I would rather have Warren but I don't think she's going to win the primary.

Kamala Harris to dropping out was the end of our hopes for being a priority in this election. Regardless, we’d be better off with Bernie or Warren than anyone else running. Bernie may be tone deaf, but all of his plans would directly benefit African Americans.

An Ebola vaccine would be incredible. Just as long as it's affordable in Africa.