
I usually have a lot of empathy for movie characters, but I guess I couldn’t relate to them because I didn’t feel a thing. I am not close to any substance abusers and the characters (with sole exception of Jessica) are more entitled than anyone I hang out with.

All the negatives of a gasoline engine bogging down BEV perfection. What waste. You don’t even get a 1 speed transmission.

I think dropping 32 bit support is the right move and Steam should demand developers update their games. It's 2019, we have move on. This sucks because Ubuntu needs Steam, and Steam on Linux needs Ubuntu. Hopefully Windows does the same thing forcing Steam's hand.

You should look up hygiene hypothesis and it’s modern version “the old friends hypothesis.” George is following the old one.

Exposure to harmless bacteria is actually really good for your immune system and teaches your body to save it’s resources for the bad stuff. So swim away and be healthy. We were never meant to live in hospitals.

Definitely, they stretched the stories out on every season. They didn’t have the content to fill out 13 episodes. Regardless, the writing still beats most TV. Once it was on it was gold.

People are silly, Disney owns it now. They are not going to launch the same shows. If they do anything it will PG13 reboots with new casts and story. Disney doesn’t do gritty. Maybe Disney gives it back to Netflix but I doubt it. Also, all the costumes and props are sold. Stop telling people it’s not over when it’s

You can buy a Tesla for the price of a Scat Pack. Pass!

DM's are not Tweets. DM's are private.

When you see a Tesla make sure you park as far away from it as possible.

Buying your own scooter and taking care of it is cool. Renting them cheaply to irresponsible kids is not. Maybe we need some regulations? Maybe some taxes to clean up the mess? I think that would straighten this out.

That's why you buy Tesla. Even if they screw up the brakes a software update can fix it. No one else can do that.

Because gasoline isn't a chemical? 🙄

They have more of these working at Google. This is just the one that got caught by the public, that's why he's so confident.

Battery prices have been dropping rapidly and will continue to do so as more batteries are made.

Wh/mi I what counts. Divide the battery capacity by Wh/mi and you have the range. Quoting ranges is pointless because not everyone will get the same Wh/mi just as not everyone gets the same MPG.

What purpose was the Iraq war other than oil? Who benefitted?

CTE is a real danger, homosexuality isn’t.

I didn’t watch the Tesla video but I did watch the Lamborghini one. He got me...

As a millennial in tech I can't relate. I have never worried about how long my lunch break is and I never report. I do often eat at my desk but not always. Sometimes I leave early, sometimes I stay late. My work is measured by how much stuff I finish. I get too much done to worry about being called lazy.