
I pirate when I’m not sure if a game if worth the cost, or if it’ll run on my PC. Most recently, it was Stardew Valley. Once I realized it was the same micro-managing grind found in Rune Factory, I stopped playing. I would have been upset had I paid money for it.

I prefer the look of the xb1's but the ds4 is significantly more comfortable.

I became disillusioned with the whole brand loyalty crap when FF13 was announced multiplat, and then again when when Namco Bandai abandoned playstation altogether and released Ace Combat 6 on the 360 exclusively. I bought the PS4 simply because I already had a PS Plus account and PS3, and didn’t feel like signing up

Ease of use. No messing with settings, no setting up controllers, no searching for patches and homemade fixes for lag and stutter, no shelling out more and more money for upgrades. Turn it on, and play the game.