
Unlike Kevin (who, even though we went through this three times last year, is again refusing to use closed captions to see how Wesen names are actually spelled and instead takes up time speculating fruitlessly - it's "Gelencaedus", Latinate for "ice slasher", as befits its history, and "Decapitare"), I was relieved

It won't last. So you can look forward to that.

So where was the T-rex? When they opened that crate towards the end, there was something that looked like a brown modern sculpture inside. What that supposed to be part of the T-rex? Were we supposed to know? And that would have constituted about a 1/100th of it. Where were the other 99 parts and crates? Not in that

Golems come from midlde- and east-European shtetls of the middle ages.

Thank you for "catalogue". Are you Canadian?

Who's Brooks?

Use closed captions. I recall it ended "-fik", but I can't swear to the first part. But try gumplefik.

That's absurd. He doesn't want more, he's denying your claim. You're the one who needs to provide the evidence if you want to back it up. Or not - but the situation now is that your claim has no merit. An uninvolved person like myself is now duly skeptical.

It was odd that all the Austrians in Vienna pronounced her name like the English word "Shade" whereas her actual name is Schade, a proper German name pronounced by German-speakers as "Shahdduh" (more or less). I would hope that this would be some sort of perverse respect for her American family branch having

Can you tell if there are any shots indicating they sent (or hired) a camera crew to take some shots with cast members in Vienna, or are they still all "establishing" shots that could be from some video library, with all cast scenes shot on sets stateside?

This doesn't belong here.

I actually liked the end of the Torben/Alex story. I didn't find it boring or tedious, but interesting when we got to see actual stupid decisions being made by Alex when he took over, and Hanne and Ulrik's ensuing threat to quit. Sure, Alex was something of a caricature, as Todd says, but the actor carried the part

Here's another sentence:

Ichabod Crane is a born Englishman, who studied at Oxford, played by Tom Mison, an English stage actor. Victor Garber is a Canadian-born actor who has spent all his life in American and Canadian film and theater. As far as I can see from his bio, he has never worked or spent any time in England. Does anyone know how

It's just a dumb joke of the type that 8-year-olds tell, about the dumbest there is. But it showed that Kalinda - who "doesn't do charm" - was nevertheless trying ever so slightly, and that apparently was enough for the cop not only to take her handcuffs off but to take things a lot further. How she ever divined that

Yes, I'm fully aware of that, and expected (almost) everyone would know it was a misspelling of "tenet". "Tenet of faith" is a cliché: you don't see "tenet" used much other than in that phrase. Either the reviewer doesn't know the spelling, or, more likely, his spellchecker mis-corrected a typo this way and he didn't

When she realized that Nick was a Grimm (she says she didn't know about him earlier), she seemed to expect that he would welcome her. She certainly wasn't bothered by his being a Grimm, unlike other Wesen. And she seemed to get that right.

Something weird like a Wesen baby who has two hearts: human and animal.

I liked how Nick, who is generally unrelievedly the "straight man", pulled off his casual aside when telling Juliette about the big fight with his mother's assailant in the house: "And here's where I took a shot and it hit the picture", "You shot your gun?" "Actually, it was a crossbow, but never mind…".

A tenant of faith, eh?