
No, true. Do you know of anyone who has 1.5 trillion dollars?

David Lee insists that there be a partners' meeting to censure (or something legalese-y) Will and revoke the hiring of Damian Boyle, and Diane is initially reluctant to stir things up. He says "I have two thirds of the partners signed up to vote him out". Then when Diane finally calls the meeting, Lee says he's voting

That's Dipshit.

Indeed. What the hell. Meme away.

Did they grow?

This is good. But yes, the two Neanderthals from Alaska were their arranged-marriage fiancés. One of them said so, telling the police the situation. They turned up as per the arrangement, and the girls aren't very happy with them.


Last year I used to get very annoyed when they put on procedural episodes and ignored the serial story and the so-called mythology, because it actually looked like they had no idea what the longer arc would be and were just putting it off ad infinitum, caught with their pants down, as it were, when the show got the

Thank you. That was interesting.

And the fact that the specials were one hour, replacing a half-hour comedy, is what also displaced Park & Rec? OK, that makes sense now.

Oh, OK. Is it a reference back to something I've forgotten in an earlier episode, or a new thing?

Again, why is that?

I'm still confused. Parks & Rec wasn't a good enough lead-in to Sean Saves the World and Michael J. Fox? OK. So what did they use instead?

They've been giving her more screentime because she's going to be filling the gap when Ann Perkins leaves the show. (The producers have said as much.)

Why? What have I forgotten?

It's not clear to me why canceling "All in the Family" would lead to a Halloween episode of Parks & Rec appearing two weeks *after* Halloween. I could see it appearing *before* Halloween if it was suddenly needed to fill a gap then, but why should it be delayed because another show got canceled?

They were rather cute in referencing The Talented Mr. Ripley near the beginning. They simply stole the plot from Patricia Highsmith, whole hog, but simplified it and dumbed it down with a happy ending. Pretty blah all over.

B- here.

Longname told all the FA lawyers that he offered the bribe on his own, but he checked with Howard Lyman. LG knew that Longname was subpoened as a witness, so they must have asked him what he was going to be asked about when they offered him the partnership to get him to change his testimony. They didn't pick him, out

Thanks. I looked it up now, looks very promising.