
Google “poster posse Wonder Woman” for some fantastic artwork inspired by the movie. Not for sale, just great stuff to look at.

“Then I realized that Wonder Woman 2 is its own great movie. I made Wonder Woman. Now I want to make Wonder Woman 2.

Women are tired of sex and want to see men get their ass kicked is my analysis.

I need as a minimum a Trilogy of WW

So it looks like the authoritarian law enforcement in our govt are gearing up for a showdown with the judiciary. Considering who has the muscle, I don’t think the judiciary is going to win.

The disturbing, unwritten part of this story, is that ICE agents seem to be doing their job with excessive gusto, intimidation, and cruelty, rather than any sense of caution. This compliance by the rank and file is how tyrants steamroll a society into submission.

Oh my god. What a nightmare. I cannot believe that all this has happened within a week of Trump taking over the presidency and I am so afraid for vulnerable people such as this family.

Omg that woman was a freaking rock. Brava, and I’m so sorry on behalf of our beyond fucked country.

Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.

That reminds me, I can’t believe Jezebel hasn’t shared Diana Muskovitz’s excellent coverage of the Baylor rapes posted last night over on Deadspin. It’s a chilling story.

I was drugged in college and the last thing I remember is my friend screaming at the guys following us to leave us alone before totally blacking out. After two beers. The photos from the night are not things I remember doing. Being fully clothed and speaking coherent sentences doesn’t mean she wasn’t drugged.

Here’s a bright clue; maybe stop bringing her on your TV shows, media. The more you give her a mouthpiece, the more shit will spew out, just like with Kellyanne Conway. And whatever happened to Katrina Pierson? I guess there could only be one asshole woman as the public face of Trump at a time.

Human rights in Russia LOL

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

Stop calling her a Jackie Kennedy wanna- be. She’s clearly a Carla Bruni knock-off.