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“If an online game is dead, I don’t mind private servers. But if it’s still functional? Fuck off.”
Yeah Fuck off yourself. Vanilla wow is not a supported game anymore, it’s not functional I bought my own copy of vanilla wow, can I play it ? no. And that’s after spending money on the game (and expansions later on) and

“Private servers are fine in a world where the original game has ceased to exist, eg. Ultima Online. This is World of Warcraft, a game which is still going.”
This is where you’re wrong. Vanilla wow is a version of the game that you cannot play anymore. It has ceased to exist. And blizzard refuse to open their own

There is no way blizzard will have a penny from me anymore don’t care what they make in the future either

Now playing

I bought the vanilla game some 11 ish years ago but once TBC hit I couldn’t play the game I bought anymore. Now I had to buy the TBC game to continue playing with a subscription the whole time. And each expansion you had to buy to play and you had to have subscription. And each time an expansion hit you couldn’t play