William Bergmann

“Responsibility, working, looking out for others... You know, the type of shit that generally makes a halfway decent person and productive member of society? Yeah, that’s some nerd sucka shit. Real men train to be fuckboys from an early age!

You mean Epic are doing a better job of showing you whats capable on their multiplatform engine? Cool.

Breaking News: Games Require Loading, Have Gotten Better At Hiding Load Screens

They are probably going “Nice! Since this is Unreal Engine, which will also be used on my Xbox since it is made by Epic and not Sony, I will have the exact same privilege to use these features when I game. Sweet!”

Ughhhhh... READ THE ARTICLE commenters.

This is showing off tech for one of the biggest multiplatform engines in the industry its just showing off on PS5 (Devkit) so an Xbox Series X would be able to run this as well. Second its a tech demo these are NEVER representative of what a game will actually look at as the article alluded too with Agni’s Prophecy. Ba

It’s not, and nothing you play on next-gen will actually look and feel this good.

So basically, Microsoft is leaving it up to the developers to decide how they want their games to play.

The real issue is not the word, because the popularity of words and meanings behind the words change all the time; rather as Nathan says, Twitter is trying to get ahead of an avalanche of negative usage of this particular word whilst it’s trending... the issue then is the unthinking, mass acceptence of generic,

The “historical accuracy” argument only seems to pop up when there are women or minority characters in game, or there is a lack of NAzi symbols in a game. Weird how that works.

First two lines: Awesome.

First: you can do the argument practicing in your head.

Perhaps the melting of the ice caps will hasten the end of this incredible selfishness.

As someone who had great success with keto, it pains me to see people go overboard with the EAT ALL THE CHEEZE AND BACONS YOU WANT nonsense. Like, if you’re doing it correctly (which means eating plenty of vegetables and not gorging yourself on obviously unhealthy meats), it’s really not much of a “diet” at all.

Megan McCain; Noun, verb John McCain’s daughter. I mean she really needed to be over when Paul Begala ended her on Bill Maher years ago. But as always America where a talentless white person can always fail up.or become *president.

Notably, Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension still stands.

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

That would be great if I had one in my area. I have Emagine, AMC, and MJR. I use Emagine.

Alternately, you can camp out in my front yard to see my musical version of it...

So fancy with that Altima. Not driving a Sentra or a Versa is the reason you haven’t been able to afford a house yet! Kids these days and their priorities.