William Bergmann

As a bought-in Apple ecosystem user, this is my take:

This.  It’s a phone.  I don’t care.  Why does anyone care?

Having used both, and Windows Phone...

I think it’s a trash option when so many people are forced to buy the PS4 version if they want to play it while current because PS5's don’t exist.

1) The vast majority of PC’s are not capable of even One X performance, let alone this gen.

2) For how much easier it is to play PC games now, and conversely harder to play console games, it’s still not as easy, especially for younger and older audiences.

3) Buying a console guarantees a baseline performance expectation

M1 MBA + iPad + SideCar.  I’ve been living the dream for most of a year now =)

pornography service featuring prominently in their financial record, there’s significant motivation out there to try and pay for porn through less straightforward means (through compromised or stolen credit cards, for example).

So, housing expenses can take up to 28% of gross pay, but every other liability added together should take up 8% or less?  I guess we live in an alternate universe where no one has medical or student debt, credit cards, or car payments.

Heh, that puts 50% of the country in cardboard boxes :p

A lot of it is regional, and while it might irk the hell out of us, it is likely bad form to point things out to others.

So, agree w/ everything you said 1000%.

I just had to log in because

I’ll stick with my Roomba.  Thanks :p

Eh. It’s better if my team wins, but I derive as much or more enjoyment from watching the best athletes in the world at their respective sports play, period.

I’ll be keeping mine quiet as long as possible when I get it.

Last thing I want is to give my boss a reason to have me back in the office.

Yea, gating vaccine access behind the ability to afford a doctor sounds like a great plan.

I’ve been a gamer as a primary hobby since I was ~ 5, so about 35 years.

We struggle to prosecute cops who blatantly and directly cause the death of citizens, and they’re not even wealthy.

The mere existence of these is why I’ll almost certainly never go back to Android.

I’m a recovering WoW-UI junkie and a proud owner of an Object Desktop license.

The last thing I want to do is feel the urge to spend hours tinkering with my phone’s UI, only to find that once I have everything ‘perfect’, I’ve broken

I used to have a really nice Dell monitor, but I sold it in a package when I got rid of my last tower.

When I started doing a lot more work-from-home, I skipped going back to a monitor and pickedup a decent 43" Toshiba 4K TV (~$220) and a clamp mount for it.

It seems silly that they can’t work with theaters to sell tickets for future use with digital releases, very similar to how you can buy a ticket to a movie’s sequel w/ its disc version.

Get money to theaters now, secure concession drivers for the future, and preserve the relationships.