
I like that. The colors and general presentation make it ineffective, though.

Aha. You've contradicted yourself. You said before that there aren't enough engineers in America so you go the H1B or outsourcing route. Now you say there are lots of unemployed people looking for work. So why are you still outsourcing or going for H1Bs?

Race to the bottom. Formula for despotism imo.

Promoted so hard because there isn't a thumb anywhere for me to click?

No, subprime lending was a direct result of Greenspan, Gingrich, and 15 years of deregulation. Clinton's policies did not make it illegal to supply loans regardless of the ability to repay them; the act you're talking about required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to devote a percentage of their budgets to housing

For some strange reason, I have a feeling McD's isn't serving up 85% beef and 15% mingnon.

What ryanrule said. Believe me, there are MORE than enough engineers looking for jobs... but few who are willing to work for 60k-70k when you're looking for "talent."

You forgot /rant.


70% of Crook county's power comes from coal, which is why environmentalists are pissed at Facebook.

It's not just old engineers having a hard time getting a job. It's not easy for young ones to get work either, or at least certainly not as easy as it should be with the bs "there aren't enough engineers in America" rhetoric.

Yippe kiyay?

I also want to point out that if you type do a barrel roll into Google search and then click on images it does it twice in the most disorienting way possible.

What you didn't see was the reason why he jumped off. YOU'VE GOT ONE BEHIND YOU! DO A BARREL ROLL!

Man I have no idea what that site is actually trying to do. It seems like it's run by future Bill Nye with Alzheimer's in cooperation with News Corp lol.

Your last paragraph hits the nail on the head. I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with skepticism; far from it. I'm saying you can judge books by the cover, and I'm not likely to read "The Conspiracy Behind 9/11" published by Dr. Noname and funded by the America is the Enemy of All Iranian's Foundation as an

This was probably 80% of my reason for not getting an iPhone. I liked my 3G, but sometimes you have one too many and your palms start sweating butter.

Seems to me like everyone who responded to you totally ignored your first paragraph. Interesting to me how far people will go to fulfill Pascal's wager, yet how obstinate they are against something infinitely more imminent and demonstrable.

100% of national scientific organizations in every modern country around the world are on the side of AGW.

Correlation does not imply causation, but that does not mean they are mutually exclusive, either. Also, the link contains quite a bit of evidence. There honestly is a tremendous amount of evidence that supports AGW.