the big canadian

Not to mention “Expect to be the first chucked out on the rubbish heap when the inevitable post-release downsizing happens”

Here, we found a list of writers for you to hire...”

I saw it a mile away, and the journey was no less satisfying.

Its probably an awful and unfair bias, but when I see 15 year-old Honda or Toyota (thats not totally crapped out) I think frugal and practical. When I see a 15 year-old Buick, I think someone who lives life one paycheck (or social security check) away from riding the bus.

That’s good news for vet tech and cosmetology schools in NHL cities.

Sounds like time well spent to me. Those ladies aren’t going to pay themselves, y’know.

Now playing

Overcooked 2 has a new tropical themed DLC that’s out now. Surf ‘N’ Turf brings new kitchens and recipes to the cooking simulator. I for one welcome these new ways to yell at my friends.

Yes there is. Leave your alternate time line and come to the real one where the two greatest athletes are Lebron James and Lionel Messi.

“My brother lasts way longer than 5/7 minutes!”

I’m so glad this kind of thing doesn’t happen in our beautiful country.

Nobody cares.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

Germans don’t laugh. Laughing is inefficient.

A car that isn’t in a crash costs nothing to repair.

Denial comes first

Don’t you remember the gritty and brutal tower warfare of WWI?

It’s kind of refreshing as a Caps fan to see that the players are handling their summer long bacchanalia better than I handled my one night of drunken celebration as probably the only Capitals fan in all of Alabama.

Vegas? I Like to call it Las Wages.

Stefan invented the Whole Paycheck joke

It’s been getting pretty much worse and worse since they nailed me to a cross.