the big canadian

Most of Canada is dealing with these new Jays fans that wear Blue Jays gear all the time and have watched like 6 games in the past 5 years.

Hey! Its Phillips! Nice.

Wouldnt be surprised if this clown epidemic goes all the way up to the White House. I suspect Biden personally.

Hes a weekday man!

I also enjoyed using the word in that context. I watch a lot of movies.

Dont think Ive seen a story on the internet today that I didnt hate lol

Yeahh I gave em a bit too much credit. Which is rare form!

Cops should only run over an active or potentially active shooter. Thats really the only time that technique should even be considered.

And being able to go home and drink til you piss yourself is absolutely fine. Smoke a joint or even be around a person smoking weed and theyll probably take your badge away.

Was it shaped like a knife?

Everyones different but Ive worked with many different people with very different levels of all sorts of mental illness, and when meth is in the situation holy shit chasing them around playing cops and robbers is just absolutely unthinkable. Very good chance he would need to be peppersprayed and probably tasered if he

The jerks booing? Because in a country known for its uneducated loudmouths, I think the jerks booing really nailed this one.

If hes a desperate amateur, probably not.

Surprised we dont see it more. Ive seen some people get absolutely destroyed in the ring and octogon. Hell Im pretty sure Michael Bisping died and has just been replaced by a body double.

Went back to play NFS and the lag was horrible. Connection problem maybe but still I should be able to play a single player game offline.

Wicked game. I sucked at it but loved watching my uncle play it. Its funny seeing people bitch about who has better graphics when 15 years ago we were playin psx NFS games and thought they were awesome.

Id get fired right up if one of my teams I support was a Deadspin punching bag like the Dolphins or Cards.

Id love to see a draft of an article for if the US won, bet it would be singing a different tune. Sure its uninteresting that Canada won, but they had to work their asses off for it and if they lost it woulda been a killer. Some of those guys like Price and Crosby have ridiculous internstional streaks

Everyone in BC is jumping on the Jays wagon. Im kinda wishin the Mariners could get in because I realllllly hate Toronto sports team.

Amazing. Bless your heart.