the big canadian

God thats a job title straight out of a dystopian future sci-fi movie

5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prisoners was a shocking stat that stuck with me

Who wouldnt? Its completely disgusting.

Unless he is as cunning and strong as Ben Richards...

Youre insane. But insanity aside, the redux comin to new consoles would be a great time to start if youre a consoler.

Skate, GTA, Far Cry, Skyrim. Damn thats a good list.

I suppose in this instance its mainly the media.

I usually don’t speak very kind words about our American neighbours to the south, but I’m a pretty open minded dude, and usually pretty positive. Is it just me or are American athletes worse losers than just about anyone else? It’s really on display for the whole world to see right now, but you certainly don’t have to

Is he only famous for a week every 4 years? No idea how big swimming is.

Please, Im sure he has no problem with foreigners coming to America and lying to authorities.

When most voters are too stupid to science, its either pro-vax or anti-vax. Dont question it Doctor, because people honestly dont understand what the fuck you’re tryin to get at.

I dont really know how massive, I havent played the game! :p

Frick plateaus are like a river’s ugly cousin

Find any cool, unique geological features like massive mountains or waterfalls? Having Xbox One this week is like being at a friends house and he has a one player game and wont pass off the sticks.

One day I will play a table top D&D game...

I just have a hell of a time connecting to a game. I dont really get how it works.

He bows to Muslims, if Im up to date with my American-style current events.

How many black people do you think Donald Trump is friends with? More than or less than 5?

Is that what African-Americans are after? Get this black guy out of the office and replace him with a racist white man you have to “bow down” to? Thanks Omarosa. I must be out of touch.

I just hate that the cool new stuff like the stunt modes are only online and the online is absolutely terrible. To me anyways. Id rather just be offline.