the big canadian

In high school one of the guys in our grade died from heroin overdose or some kind of drug. Nobody understood why I wasn’t upset by his death. I DIDNT LIKE HIM BEFORE HE DIED! Im not gonna pretend like I did just so I can be a way bigger asshole.

The Trackmania Turbo Beta is badass. The full game will also be badass.

“It’s something I would NEVER DO” -future cheaters speaking on the topic of cheating

The Canucks lost one of Canada’s best defenceman prospects Luc Bourdon a few years ago in a motorbike crash. They seem pretty damn risky to me!

I really love the cars MB makes right now, almost all of them. I have a real soft spot for the G wagon.

A couple generations need to die off and things are going to be crazyyyyyy different. Everywhere.

Somebody needs to beat this guy into a bad coma.

Somebody needs to make inspirational Obama-esque posters with these horrible quotes on them haha. What a fucking loser.

As a gooner, I can use that!

I just wish we could see him get absolutely stomped by GSP

Honestly considering trying to eat people in my next game to see if it gives me Suarez-like superpowers.

I always thought Columbus rode around in a van solving mysteries.

Yeah last season it was definitely anyone’s for the taking, the finishing is just so hard to watch sometimes. Not just Rivero, but guys like Morales and Manneh at times look like they aren’t really sure how to shoot the ball.

Whitecaps also have Tim Parker from Hicksville, New York going into his second year, him and Kendall Waston could have an even more breakout year than last and if Manneh could start burying more goals it could be a really awesome season!

It’s so damn cool seein my Whitecaps get 20 thousand fans, I used to be watchin

Well he kinda has to flip flop if he wants to be President, half the shit he has said up til now wouldn’t even be legal or it would instantly be an act of war.

Commercials. Soccer matches need more commercials. 12 minute quarters, with a half hour long half-time. Did I say it needs more commercials??

Ah yes Im talking to the one single person in North America unaffected by marketing. Just as pretentious as I thought youd be!

Just following the ABCs of making the NFL

So youve never bought something because of good marketing? Because if youve bought something because of good marketing, youve skipped something due to being disappointed by advertising. You probably dont buy the no name bottled water at 7/11 for example because its label is more disappointing than dasani or voss.

Schaal and Tyler are just about the only two women in the business that I think are super funny. Call it whatever liberal term you want but the people writing their parts are usually guys anyways, and usually they arent very goddamn funny!