
Now that's an alternate universe I hope exists

Sure, but they're all dead rocks

My mind just exploded

Depends what he was trying to spell

Was there a vague implication that Peralta bought the tuxedo from Gob Bluth?

Really, that could have been anybody's charred arm

Alfie? Are you talking about Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All?

Dammit, now I want ice cream.

Another reference to Old Man McGucket knowing… things?

There's really no way it isn't.

I don't know, Stan/Soos?

Are we watching the same House of Cards? Because Stamper is pretty damn evil.

If only they had the phone number of the guy who actually knows.

90s Luke would totally have the Rachel haircut.

Well that, or the theme to Perfect Strangers.

As prom king, I am your ruler.

To be fair, the actual city of LA barely has an LA vibe.

Yeah, I'm not sure how you bring up to G.R.R.M. that book three only got two seasons because it was The Good One.

Am I the only one who assumed Ranjit already owned his limo service?

Come on, bro, don't Bogart the Funyuns.