
Heh heh. The article was written by a guy named TORCHinsky.

I've been on a Mac for work for seven-ish years now, and it bears SERIOUS mention that, more than ever, Steam on Mac has a *great* selection. Way way way fewer reasons I have to boot into Windows now, and Steam sales mean you're not stuck paying exorbitant App Store games prices.

I have lived here for only a few weeks, but I truly believe that anyone with the attitude that Philly is the 'worst city in America' MUST have only been to about four US cities in their lifetime. This place is great — everyone's negative opinion seems to be related to the sports fans, and I don't follow sports, so

Hunt's is better than Heinz anyway. I've never heard of McMenamin's, so I'm guessing I don't live in a spot where Portland Ketchup Company is available.


Plus, they initially linked to the leaked photos right here on Jezebel.

Ok, I'd really like an answer from Gawker Media about this. You all are up in arms about this invasion of privacy, calling everyone who posts these photos disgusting and other names. Yet, GM is notorious for posting pictures that were leaked or hacked as well.

I'm confused about one thing: whether this kid is actually transgender. I was under the impression that gender non-conforming is not the same thing as trans and thus this kid, since he was born male and identifies as male, is not trans.

To all the people saying that this is unfair to her because of her height... being short also gives her a pretty distinct advantage in terms of power-to-weight ratio compared to someone much taller. So things that were harder for tall people earlier in the course were much, much easier for her to do.

There is never any situation in which choosing to perpetuate sexual assault imagery and attempting to pass it off as a "joke" is ever ok and/or humorous. Personal tastes for entertainment have their place. At the same time, some things are inherently wrong and polite laughter in this context leads to acceptance,

thank you for removing the link to that offensive article by pyramidheadcrab. it was triggering and honestly very demoralizing.

And the RA job gives you a reference when you're applying for jobs after graduation, which is a huge plus. It's a great way to show responsibility and dependability to employers without needing a lot of explanation.

Many colleges offer compensation for working as an Resident Assistant/Community Assistant/Head Resident. Often times this pays for your room and board. It usually isn't available for freshmen students but for the rest of the 3+ years you could save major dough. Sure you live on campus and have other responsibilities

Lady Gaga is more clever by half than most people give her credit for, but half as clever as she probably gives herself credit for.