
If I’m not mistaken, you’re being accused of participating in a Big Conspiracy across GMG blogs to promote Marvel films and trash DC ones. I assume, but couldn’t say for sure, that some sort of SJW agenda is supposed to be involved in this.

Well, but you have people you pay to think about that stuff for you. Granted, those people can sometimes be exploitative, so you have to find a good manager of your finances, but you only need enough intelligence to hire a competent person on solid recommendation of someone else among the Hollywood elite.

Um, yeah, that’s just not true. Like, ridiculously so. Waaaaaay back in the year 2001, a married couple consisting of a sitcom mega-star and elite fashion designer was still worth many millions. You seem to be confusing the 00s with, like, the 1960s or something.

Seriously? Have you heard of this thing called the stock market? Because if they put away 5 million when she was born, and it averaged a modest 4% annual return for 18 years, then when she reaches adulthood, she has almost 11 million to her name, which is more than the average American will see in their whole life.

Eh, I’m pretty sure 1%-ers can make sure their children lead a life of relative comfort without working while also lacking the .1%’s ability to donate a building.

Why should those fast food workers make $15 /hr when paramedics don’t even get that??”

See also: every political opinion held by white working-class Republicans.

You’ve basically made every one of the most popular anti-vaxx arguments, so. That’s cool.

Okay. Like, the Bushes have caused a lot of damage and violence in the world. Goldwater and Wallace suck bad. The Kennedys... I guess aren’t as great as some history makes them out to be? Do you really think any of them are in the same conversation as Mussolini?

I don’t think we’re on the same page, which is probably my fault for not writing clearly, because it doesn’t negate that defense. My point is that in the world these people move in, everyone goes to an Ivy or Ivy-adjacent school. All their classmates. All their classmates’ parents. They all do this because the system

If she did know, I think that’s the right response. And yeah, my ability to sympathize is thin. She’s still going to have a better life than most humans who have lived. But I don’t think she deserves to have all the strangers in the world dragging her through the mud until the internet finds something else to be mad

I think everyone she hung out with in high school got into a school like USC, that plenty of them had their parents or professionals fill out the forms for them, that most or all of them had entrance coaches, exam tutors, etc, whether those were also the cheating kind like hers or the normal kind (which are also

My explanation would also justify her not knowing they cheated: they told her she was going (and the one thing people in this class have rough is that they always have to do everything their parents say because their livelihoods depend on it), they had other people fill out all the applications for her (as would have

Right, but your parents aren’t well-connected gallionaires (I’m guessing). Did it occur to her that USC is hard to get into and she’s a crap student with no chance? Did you read Ivanka Freaking Trump’s comments about how most people want to work for what they have in life and don’t want a boost?

Does “most clueless person in the world” really sound all that unlikely?

I’m guessing that she was fairly used to other people doing all of her paperwork that the rest of us norms have to do for ourselves. Like when you’re at a job and you have to do up the whole grant application or purchase order or memo or whatever, but there’s some other person’s name on it who just signs it without

I would give, like, a 1000% chance that at some point in your life you have said “I’m a paying customer”/“we pay your salaries”/etc or you have mused about how fans should boycott a company that didn’t listen to fan/customer feedback after pissing off people similar to you. But when others do the same thing for a

Does he want to tell us that he’s realized he’s creepily smitten with her and that’s why he can’t get her our of his head, but that he hopes admitting his fixation to the world will help him move forward? That’s it, isn’t it?

I mean, I’d say that the way things should work is that it never got off the ground in the first place. Certainly, the whole thing should have been shut down years before it was. I think what people are saying is that what actually happened was the “they’ll get caught eventually, but long after they should” scenario.

If the Bad Blood reporter hadn’t picked up on what the whistleblowers and skeptics were dropping, another reporter would have. If they hadn’t, one of the many encounters with government regulators would finally happen under the purview of a bureaucrat who wouldn’t back down because a general made a call. And if that