“WWII-Era Flying Wing Plane Has Fatally Crashed On State Prison Grounds”
Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the name of the movie and is it a satire?
I don’t know who that person is in your gif (and I don’t want to know), but they should really spontaneously combust. Like--immediately.
Yes. Apparently, the “verification of the situation” is a living, thinking being that is capable of cooperation with Tesla’s employees.
I hate modern “corporate speak” more than I can say.
But accurate.
130k miles. Jersey. Radar detector.
Look at them being all progressive about being oppressive.
Jaguar is basically an old man yelling at clouds at this point.
Tailpipes as assholes. . .
I just started researching this car and learning its history after having heard about it here and there over the years and I have a question.
I’m sure that it is.
Honestly, this is the correct choice. I see one every now and again in my general area and it never fails to catch my eye.
I think that you answered your own question.
I’ll allow it.
There is only one response to that front end:
That is the coolest engine-related noise I have ever heard!
Miles? Maintenance records? Oil and filter changes?
I’m not overpaying for one of these things—I know what KBB and NADA say. . .