

“WWII-Era Flying Wing Plane Has Fatally Crashed On State Prison Grounds”

Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the name of the movie and is it a satire?

I don’t know who that person is in your gif (and I don’t want to know), but they should really spontaneously combust. Like--immediately.

Yes. Apparently, the “verification of the situation” is a living, thinking being that is capable of cooperation with Tesla’s employees.

I hate modern “corporate speak” more than I can say.

But accurate.

I see that someone beat me to it, but I don’t care. That front end is hideously reminiscent of this thing:

130k miles. Jersey. Radar detector.

Look at them being all progressive about being oppressive.

Jaguar is basically an old man yelling at clouds at this point.

Tailpipes as assholes. . .


I just started researching this car and learning its history after having heard about it here and there over the years and I have a question.

I’m sure that it is.

Honestly, this is the correct choice.  I see one every now and again in my general area and it never fails to catch my eye. 

I think that you answered your own question.

I’ll allow it.

Now playing

There is only one response to that front end:

That is the coolest engine-related noise I have ever heard!

Miles? Maintenance records? Oil and filter changes?

I’m not overpaying for one of these things—I know what KBB and NADA say. . .