The Yugo is a gift that keeps on giving.
The Yugo is a gift that keeps on giving.
We had this one friend who went and saw it in theaters multiple times, when most of us waited for it to come out on tape. He was sure it was funniest movie ever made. Now I wish I had gone and seen it multiple times. But then again, I also wish I had seen Freddy Got Fingered when it was in theaters instead of waiting…
My old 1979 Renault Le Car. I loved it, but it was too far gone by the time I got it, and I was just a broke highschool student with no money to fix it. When the head gasket blew, I had to cut my losses and get it out of my life. It would have needed that, plus a front end rebuild and a complete replacement of the…
I think that’s what the author of the article seems to believe.
I guess you have yet even more money to make off his death then if this turns out to be true.
I’m more surprised that it sounds like Peter Lorre is narrating.
Now that attention has been brought to it - where is this man’s forehead anyway?
Isn’t that the Love Guru?
It’s actually pretty easy to not murder people.
Did the kid know it was meth? If he didn’t, your point stands.
Of course, now what happens to whoever coerced him to bring the meth over?
So this “good boy” was bringing meth over that could have killed any number of other people, but instead he killed himself with it. I’m not exactly in tears over this, stupidity or cruelty may have caused it but I’m finding it hard to dig out the sympathy.
Akira isn’t that great. Sure, it is strikingly beautiful - but it pales in comparison to the manga, and as a stand alone product it has a rather weak story.
I wish I knew why Americans think Asians love white people.
Are you saying the author of the article is benefiting from white privilege? (well I mean I guess they got paid to write about it, but...)
I think I made it to the third sentence then lost interest. This must be about some internet drama or something else completely unimportant I guess.
I don’t see any men bringing this up here, just you...
I don’t know. I think I’d rather believe somebody who just loves dicks to know more about dicks than somebody who stands to make money off of pushing theories about how everything about dicks is just made up to sway society.
So in other words, it’s the Asian specific version of the trope that’s applied to 90% of all female characters with an accent in movies.
I don’t know. I’m not a dick expert, but if what my gay friends (only one of them is white) say is true, the stereotypes about dicks are true.