
Yeah, gimme that A2 paper! Footers deep!

Is there Star Wars in Heaven?

I was creating a bunch of test users at work a couple of years ago to try and figure out where a certain process was failing. As I had been obsessing over Pacific Rim at the time, I named them all after Pacific Rim characters. I was naughty and didn't delete the test accounts when I was done with experiment.
A few

What did the Professional Bowlers Association ever do to you?

That's what the kids are calling it these days.

I'd ask Tony Todd what Patricia Tallman was like on the set of the Night of the Living Dead remake. Then I'd ask him to save Jimmy Fallon. I like his impressions.

Yep, that pretty much describes him.

That's what I was thinking too. My Dad is Hank, I'm Bobby and my grandfather was basically a French-Canadian Cotton

I'd like to see something on why seemingly every TV show in the 70's and 80's was obsessed with quicksand.

Villas in the south of France don't pay for themselves, you know.

If I was going to do a Jem movie it would have been an homage to/affectionate parody of the eighties.

In Fox's defense the show did suck. That didn't stop them before, though.

Didn't we already try out Cruel Intentions: The Series and it was so awful even Fox wouldn't air it? It did teach us all that Amy Adams is really cute, so there's that.

Crush on Lauren Graham == rekindled. I may watch some Season 4 Newsradio tonight.

Was Bridge on the River Kwai a secret warning about the 911 attacks? Probably not!

Battlecruiser 3000AD, except the game itself would be a musical within a musical. The actual musical would be about Derek Smart's descent into madness as he designed the game.

Norm MacDonald could make random appearances to throw a monkey wrench into everyone's plans.

I have not, since I graduated from high school, gotten Columbus Day off. I've never gotten any of the minor federal holidays off, like Veteran's Day or MLK Day. I'm getting a new job with the government of the town in which I live and it turns out that I get ALL of those days off, including a bunch I didn't even

Yes, and he's not an expert on climatology, which is exactly the point I was making.

Bill Nye is a celebrity who is a mechanical engineer by trade. Don't get me wrong, I believe that everything you believe about climate change is totally true, I just don't think that a mechanical engineer is an expert in climatology.