
So I guess this won’t show up on Netflix then like the first two seasons.

Twist has already used her powers to turn someone inside out...more than one actually if you believe the shrink that said she did it to her family. 

Venom is fine, I don’t get the total hate for it.  

Like many, I have said for some time this guy does not belong in the league. He has some talent but spends more time hunting heads and trying to hurt p[layers than playing actual hockey.

Totally up for it. Heroes for Hire and Daughters of the Dragon...two good ideas going forward.

Ummm as far as I am aware there has been no mention of next season being the final one.

Dude is a Deviant, not hot.

Capitalism or hypercapitalism? I am fine with most capitalism but when these greedy companies start becoming hypercapitalists, I bet pissed.

Will be interesting to see if Canada blocks it. Wisconsin can’t just give a company permission to start taking that much water. The Great Lakes Compact is in place and many believe it is being broken by the deal.

Well, it appears that Capitol Hill Democrats had some accusations that got the white doctor with the inherently black name to withdraw his name from consideration.

Well I can tell you my mom makes a damn amazing potato salad. Nothing crazy over the top but so good...ohh and ya she is white.

Hate speech is not based on what various laymen feel it should be. It is determined by experts, lawmakers etc. So in Canada, Sections 318, 319, and 320 of the Criminal Code forbid hate propaganda. “Hate propaganda” means “any writing, sign or visible representation that advocates or promotes genocide or the

Ya no. Free speech very much exists here in Canada. You can say what you want but their might be consequences in the form of hate speech charges if you reach a point.

And could this be the final nail in their coffin?

Poor little crybaby. He had a choice to say no and not take the cash. Once you sign on stop bitching.

Like to complain don’t you...

Fuck Facebook and BB was saved a long time ago by moving back to its core business of software.

Just because you are a supposed groomer does not mean you are knowledgeable and it shows. Mutts have as many if not more health issues than your average purebred and have the chance for tons more when compared to a well bred purebred dog. It’s the genetics, if you have a mixed breed you may get lucky and have none of

Rescuing a dog is not for everyone first off. The reason being that you never know what you are truly getting when you adopt a dog that was originally bred by a backyard breeder or puppy mill.
Good for you if you got lucky and got a good dog that meshes will with your lifestyle etc.

There would be no need for rescues

And this all starts with education of the public to look for a reputable breeder and not backyard breeders, puppy-mills and pet stores. A reputable breeder breeds to improve the breed and with the goal of having both physically and mentally healthy animals. A reputable breeder will will have a contract with a clause