
A potential honorable mention would be GT Legends. It was released in the US in 2006 (2005 in the EU and UK). The sim is based on 2005 FIA Historic Racing Championships for GTC and TC class cars of the 1960's and '70's. GT Legends was produced by SimBin and uses the rFactor graphics engine, plus a similar physics

More than you know bro. People eat this shit up. It's incredible. The most valuable company, not just in the Technology sector, but the freakin' planet, releases, literally, the most anticipated piece of hardware and you know what one of the world-stoppers was?

A new world of emoji.... With animation.

Because people

I'd like to point out here that "frunk" is a rather dumb word. A trunk is a container you put stuff in, it can be located anywhere. Just because trunks are generally located in the back, does not mean a front trunk needs a special clever word we can all giggle about. So go frunk yourself.

I've got one for you. I was a lot tech in high school for a Honda dealership. Basically I prepped cars that were just sold, organized the cars coming in for service, and handled other menial details on the car lot.

I had an early Alfasud 1200Ti. It was the first "modern" car I owned. It wasn't particularly fast, but I could average 70mph point to point from my home in Norfolk to college in Durham. The engine loved to rev, and is was matched to a delightful 5-speed that allowed you to extract the max. Steering, handling and

Saab 900 - with or without Toppola camper attached.

In my first crash I got rear ended by a car - in my case it was my fault, I decided to risk getting into the lane when the guy (coming on a small slip road from the intersection) wouldn't have likely seen me and it was arguably his right of way. Only time I ever made a dick move on a bike and it cost me. You fly off

7.) Modular Cars

For the money, for the glory, and for the fun. Mostly for the money.- Bo "The Bandit" Darville

Of course it's Carmageddon on Android...the graphics and gameplay is just like it was on your old computer...blood and all!