I employ the Rob Schneider method... When they tell me their name the first time, start riffing. “Ben! Ben Franklin. Inventor of electricity. Loved french women. Benehana. Makin’ coffee...”
I employ the Rob Schneider method... When they tell me their name the first time, start riffing. “Ben! Ben Franklin. Inventor of electricity. Loved french women. Benehana. Makin’ coffee...”
Guy sounds like a nightmare. +1 internet stranger points for you!
He probably did the same thing, and got kicked out of, multiple other groups. You did the right thing.
Well said!
I was friends with both parties in a situation like this, and have spent the last 5 years being chided by the continuing party for accidentally mentioning their game around the kicked-out player. This whole situation is dumb and I resent them. I’m considering adding the kicked out player to my own group out of spite.
God-emperor for president! Skulls for the skull throne!
That’s beautiful.
I would follow the advice in the article so that my kids don’t turn out like you, getting visibly frustrated at an article that helps people communicate better.
Do I love Alex either way?
What would Sean Connery say?
Something about his mom, in jest,
Isn’t Alex just Trebest?
“the fact that we on the left are engaged in harsh and bitter battles over the relative merits of these two similar candidates seems rather petty and unwise.”
I’m humming the DW1 overland theme song as I read this.
“My schadenboner can only get SO erect?”
Albert, that first paragraph is a work of art, and I will be subscribing to your newsletter, sir.
I believe you. I’m simply saying that time and labor cost vs. end result outweighs the benefits. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with store-bought pickles, and I plan to do the rest of the brining/dredging etc. But once I’ve done all that I’ma be like “put this sandwich in me” and another step to make the pickles…
I salute your efforts, sir, and will gladly save this recipe.
Anyone who ever played Monopoly? Humans are notorious for taking the wrong lessons from things. See: The Punisher
This same size container cost me $8 at Hannafords. FYI.
This same size container cost me $8 at Hannafords. FYI.
“Fluorescent brake lines” could be a godsend for the “crazy ex” crowd.
“People who spend a lot of time at the gym, SoulCycle, yoga, and so on know this problem well: That lingering sweat smell that can cling to otherwise clean workout gear.”
“People who spend a lot of time at the gym, SoulCycle, yoga, and so on know this problem well: That lingering sweat…
BIDET to you, sir