Straw Man

[TOP DOLLAR] 20s – 30s, a lean, reptilian woman who came of age amidst lust and cruelty and has survived by embracing both. She possesses an almost psychic instict for seeking out a lie, her withering gaze something of a Medusa… T-Bird’s girl and co-manager of Hotel Reno, where she has been using her charm to draw in

I’ll still never understand the casting of the lead for this film.

Should’ve had him recut Last Jedi. We don’t need reverence. We need competent storytelling.

The problem for me is that they’ve move too far ahead in time to pass the whip along to someone new. If the rumors are to be believed, Indy 5 will take place in the 60's, which means that’s the earliest decade we’d see new adventures take place in. Well I don’t know about you, but I much prefer my Indy-flavored

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I recently re-watched TLS. I was surprised by how much I liked it even today.

Well hardly EVERY effect. But certainly every effect remotely involving a spaceship. Which was a fair amount of the movie.

“From the mind that brought you After Earth and The Book of Eli comes the reboot of your nostalgic childhood feels that’s going to take a giant, CGI-filled dump all over them.”

I don’t see how such situation is even remotely possible in Cali with all their gun laws. Surely criminals already surrendered all weapons and mind the gun-free zones.

God, the way you guys are on RJ and TLJ’s dick, I’m starting to get embarrassed for you guys. 🙄

I’ve actually argued in the past that it’s really the exact opposite—Lucas never intended for the world he was building to sustain more than his own movies, and all the detail he put in was mainly there for verisimilitude rather than to expand storytelling potential. That’s why all the Star Wars villains have either

The Force Awakens box office: $2 billion

When you put warning labels on every single freaking thing, people tend to stop paying attention to the warnings. California’s cancer warnings are a joke to those of us in the other 49 states and beyond.

He may understand it, but he doesn’t know how to execute it. The middle movie of a trilogy is not the time to kick out the foundations and set of in a bold new direction.

Really?! The man who made the most polarizing Star Wars film ever, that angered many old fans (myself included) understands what Star Wars needs to do to survive?

The mistake the restaurant owner did was to engage them the way he did.

That is a strategy for people who actually care enough to do the work and try to change something. This is the strategy for people who want to spend an afternoon getting attention and then pat themselves on the back about it for the rest of their lives.

Translation: Our PR stunt backfired, and made the business owner look good. To save face, we want to look reasonable by asking for a dialogue, which is what a reasonable group would have started with in the first place.

The plot twists were predictable, the stakes felt really low, and the Enterprise was needlessly blown up.

It was everything a Trek film should be.

In fact most films always have reshoots. Rare is the film that doesn’t.