Straw Man

Watership Down.

Killmonger’s actions made no sense. his motivations, however, were interesting and Jordan is a much more dynamic actor than Boseman.

I do not get the hype over Killmonger. He seemed like a one note character and some of his story seems a little flimsy. He killed hundreds of people all over the world just to gain access to a country that he knew the location and existence of twenty-five years ago so that he could exact revenge for his father’s

Which of the headlining characters do you think are not complicated and imperfect? I agree with your point, this makes for compelling characters, but I don’t know if I agree with the criticism, if it is directed at the headliners. If it is directed at the villains and some of the supporting cast, you are spot on. that you?

yea, but the MCU is a different case entirely, because Marvel themselves put themselves into that corner, because Fox owns (owned?) the female heroes people known & loved above most others ie Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Sue Storm, etc. MCU got mostly B listers like Black Widow, Mockingbird, Scarlet Witch,

i guess you missed out on Alien/Aliens, Terminator/T2, Salt/Mr & Mrs Smith/Wanted/Tomb Raiders, The Underworld series, RE to name a few. I’m 40 and have been astonished by the sheer amount of emphasis being peddled when I’ve got childhood memories of Sarah Connor and Ripley, and right now every movie is trying to tell

I gotta say, the more I hear the “buzz” for Black Widow, or Captain Marvel, or A-Force/Lady Liberators, or Black&Silver, or Kitty Pryde solo movie, I get less and less excited because the sum of the talking point is: “Because it stars women”. Every suspense/action/scifi tv show out right now has female stars up front,

What a dumb reason, I mean, a really dumb, idiotic reason.

DC has struggled with this because they’ve always been more about the adventures and hijinks and wow factor of a universe with these powerful beings.

Alternate theory:

People want to go see movies where they can enjoy themselves and have a good time, not oddly color-graded deconstructions of heroism bogged down with unnecessary CGI.

And don’t be afraid to make Superman a square- that’s his charm- it’s what makes him human.

They don’t even have to look far for the solution:

DC: Quit making your characters assholes and they’ll be more cinematic.

The Enterprise’s first refit

Pretty sure the A debuted in Voyage Home.

HOT TAKE: Zemo was an equally good—if not better—villain. They’re both people who were wronged and indirectly betrayed by those who were trying to do good, and their revenge is deeply personal.

He’s still wrong tho.

‘The series finale of Quantum Leap was bleak (to put it mildly)‘

Ahh, broad brush-strokes, I knew we hadn’t seen the last of you!

Alright, how about this then. Rey’s a freaking bad character and would be a bad character even if she was male. Her personality is bland, her backstory is essentially nonexistent, and she goes from nobody to complete bad-ass in essentially zero time with