Straw Man

So, the reason it had the cool shape is because it was basically missing a quarter-panel?

So, objectification of men is now officially progressive. I will be glad when we can get back to the objectification of woman and it be considered progressive as well.

I am not sure how you have a Venom movie with zero mentions to Spider-man. Isn’t Venom’s entire look, eyes, spider on his chest and the fact that he can shoot webs and ‘hide’ from Spidey-sense all a direct result of the symbiote bonding with Peter Parker first? Not mentioning the symbiotes prior partner seems...odd...

Yeah, god forbid Star Wars has any detailed plots, character development or eye-popping scenes throughout a trilogy.

I like the visuals so far. But Alden. I just don’t know if I see Han Solo.

My reaction: Meh.

Real trailer needs to include Han saying something that convinces me he can do a decent Harrison Ford voice and the same goes for Lando.

When he gets his real weapons back, I’ll breathe a sai of relief.

Snoke origin in episode 9? What a fucking trainwreck... next time, plan the “trilogy” out ahead of time.

Why would anybody, aside from the Studios, care how much a movie grosses. The consumers should only care if its a compelling movie or not.

Hey Transformers keep on making a ton of money... Does that make them any good ???

My problem with the stuff that Rian did was less that he did it, but that exactly as you say, he just does it with complete disregard of the “in world” consistency.

I dunno, people have been ramming ships ever since they thought it might do enough damage to take down a ship. The idea that nobody had thought to light-speed into another ship is new to this galaxy is just plain irresponsible. I’m totally cool with it working, it looked wonderful, and I couldn’t understand why it

I’ll just use one example.

Is it possible to understand everything that went on in the movie, and still hate it? Because that is where I am.

Because it makes total sense to spend an entire movie trying to find Luke Skywalker only to find out that he doesn’t want to be found, but made a map anyway for some reason, and then to take an incredibly powerful moment, Rey standing there arm outstretched, and to shit on it in the first scene. I’m sure none of that

If you see these reviews as one dimensional, then you need to work on your reading comprehension. There are the things she likes, the ones she doesn’t, and all of them are supported by things from the episode in question. Reviews should not automatically be by people who just accentuate the positives, or who match

I think there might be more hate for Rian now...hell, even Daisy seemed overwhelmed to have JJ back for IX (over Rian, who was originally meant to write IX). Say what one will of’s DIVISIVE on an even grander scale than TFA was divisive.

I’m not one to quarrel with my favorite and most respected poster around here, but I think that stat is more telling of how much box office is front loaded these days.

Yeah, but the lowest viewer rated of the Star Wars saga, plus the bombing in the second largest movie going nation will give them pause... I mean, movies are flops because they “don’t make as much money as they should have” nowadays, not because they don’t make money period.

If I was Disney, I’d just bury this movie and try to write it off. It’s going to be a disaster and will do even more damage to the brand than TLJ did.