Straw Man

I would really like to unsee that now.

These reviews aren’t all over the place. They generally stay between “better than I expected” and “as good as I hoped” with not much outright negativity. In fact they largely match the review io9 had for Wonder Woman.

And Henry Cavill’s mustache is an actual issue; they gave him Uncanny Valley Face.

Well I’m excited for how they find ways to awkwardly shove in existing characters into the new stuff that serves no purpose but weakening said characters, per Star Wars tradition.

Hela also is an exquisitely campy, outsized personality who revels in the gauche, obsidian garishness of her divinity.

I would think they would love the movie. It’s all about how isolationism and not allowing immigrants makes a country great.

Sounds like a very American understanding of the world.

I’m not sure why it’s necessary to inject racism into a superhero movie.

I’m not sure a woman walking out of her bedroom would have been much of a watershed moment for bi people. The scene would have been read—in combination with the rest of the character—as, “Oh, look, what a party girl!” and that’s really the last thing that bisexual people need thrown at them.

Well, it’s not just LBGT issues where this sort of stuff happens...the whole Gawker writing cadre gets up in arms on behalf of Native Americans when it comes to the Redskins issue when multiple polls of the that community shows that the majority BAY FAR has no issue with the term.

Why does it have to be shoved down our throats when a character isnt hetero? In Discovery before they show the 2 characters in a relationship you can kinda tell that somethings there, and then you get the reveal and I was ok with that cause it was natural, made sense, and matters for the story.

Right, this is one of the things that is resolutely ignored in these kinds of criticisms — the sexual orientation of the vast majority of supporting characters in films is never addressed because it doesn’t have anything to do with the plot, and thus demanding that a supporting character’s sexual orientation be

Not to be taking any sides here, but from a ‘movie’ point of view, heck, even if a guy walked out of her bedroom it would be distracting. And I’m talking from a let-the-momentum-of-the-movie-keep-going vantage... ish.

I’ll preface this by saying I’m gay. Honest question - are you gay? I hope so, cause I’m kind of getting tired of people being offended on our behalf when we’re not offended.

Was it a distraction because of the gay representation or because the romantic life of a minor side character is superfluous to the plot and themes of the larger narrative?

DC is once again acting like they don’t know what they are doing when it comes to their movies.

Yes, but it had the existing structure of the comics it could use to build off of. Dark Universe didn’t have anything remotely comparable.

It sort of amazes me that anyone thought that this would work, given that the only shared universes that have worked had decades to figure out the structure of the universe before the interconnected films started. You can’t just will one of these into existence.

How many times is it now that Marvel’s pulled the “hero that you never heard of but ACTUALLY was there all along and we’re retconning them into having always been there and been important at that?”

I know there’s Sentry and Blue Marvel.

Yep, BvS tried it by putting it randomly right in the middle of their movie. The files hacked from LexCorp showing mini trailers and logos for the entire team.