Straw Man

Dilithium isn’t a power source. It’s what regulates the anti-matter reaction. Anti-matter is the fuel. But that’s for a warp core. For a fusion reactor, I think any matter will do.

Technology in Star Trek is about changing energy into matter and matter into energy. They also have fusion reactors, which is almost limitless energy from very little matter.

The cast is between 29-33 years old. How are they children?

Kinda like Reed Richards.

My theory is the Machine and Samaritan will merge. Fusco and Bear survive. Not sure about anyone else.

Paramont “revised” the posters and re-released them without the insignias.

This has always been my favorite TIE.

Picard had been the heart of the series. Generations replaced him with action-man Picard. The TNG movies were nothing like the series and it started with Generations.

Attack of the Drones

Generations is the worst. Killed Kirk and TNG in one movie.

That’s because it was a dude in a rubber Godzilla suit. We can do better now.

They’re so big. What’s the point of actually being ninjas?

Legends of Tomorrow has so much potential though. They just need to find the right combination of character and story. IMO they have too many characters, several of whom are redundant, and they feel the need to give each one something to do in every episode, instead of focusing on on or two arcs. When it works it’s

I think the problem with Supergirl on CBS is it was a show for no one. It tried the bland, network formula and mixed it with a show about an alien with super powers.

I only watched a couple of episodes this season, and it was clear that this show is not made for me. A move to the CW could change that.

Toska , rzhavyye , pech’, rassvelo , semnadtsat’ , dobrokachestvennaya , devyat’ , vozvrashcheniye na rodinu , odin gruzovoy vagon .

But he’s not bald in the trailer. So that implies something in the movie “makes” him bald. Why does Professor X losing his hair need to be a plot point? Just. Make. Him Bald.

Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.

If we believe there’s even a 1% chance that the director will fuck this up, we have to take it as an absolute certainty!

“Good shot Janson.”