Straw Man

Well the problem with Superman Returns (IMO) is it’s just so down beat and kinda mopey. You can hear it in the music in that scene. It tries (and succeeds in) going for some really heartfelt moments, but when the movie drags, it REALLY drags. But at least they tried actually conveying character motivations.

There is the scene When Lex pushes Lois off the building and Superman catches her. I assume wherever he was he heard her.

Who would have thought that pairing Superman with Robin would be so great?

Now playing

High-speed chases used to be more exciting.

Now playing

Superman Returns touched on the subject of how his hearing works and what it means. Once when he’s hovering above the Earth and listening for where he’s needed most, and again having Lois basically explain his powers to the audience (and Cyclops) - “So with the Super-Hearing does he hear each sound by itself or

Took a while, but I finally got there...

What someone believes the show to be about is subjective. If by semantic, you mean a different interpretation based on each viewer, then yes, “the difference is purely semantic.” I think almost all fiction would be considered semantic. In other words: different strokes, for different folks.

I don’t think it was rage crying. Almost all the autobots get killed. Then Optimus is mortally wounded and essentially dies in a hospital bed. It was quite traumatic to 7 year olds who loved Transformers. #NeverForget #TilAllAreOne

If by nerd rage you mean all the little kids crying and having to be removed from theaters? Then, yes.

Everything you said is true. But I don’t think it’s about people dying. I think it’s about what will people do to NOT die. Often, that becomes: who will they kill? How far will Rick go? In a lot of ways he’s become Shane. Or did he become Shane when he killed him?. Would season 1 Rick even recognize himself now? I do

The first season (6 episodes?) sure. That was Frank Darabont. But he’s been gone for a long time.

My theory (based on absolutely nothing) is babies born after the apocalypse don’t have the virus. However, fetus zombie sounds amazing. But they will call it a “crawler” instead.

Season 2 Rick: Coral, stay in the house.

The Walking Dead is not Breaking Bad. It’s not even in the same league. If your complaint about a show is it’s not as good as Breaking Bad, how do you watch anything?

I liked Denise. But I think her death has to do with Daryl. She was killed by the guy he let live and with his crossbow. That’s why I think he’s safe for now. Revenge is coming.

Coffee was spit. Thanks!

Did I say it was perfect and had no problems? Nope. My comment was this is and has been the premise of the show- people die, horribly. Is it a top-rated cable program for any other reason?

One day we will all be our flesh rots and our bones corrode AND our reanimated corpses shuffle around looking for flesh.

Cliffhangers on TV were around way before Game of Thrones. See, I do know something.