Straw Man

She jumped in the crowd and no one caught her. She said it’s either because of racism or sexism that no one caught her.

Totally generic. I keep waiting for Kevin James to show up..

So it’s Tesla’s machine from The Prestige. But because it’s the future, it automatically kills you instead of drowning you in a tank of water. Now that’s progress!

I like the casting but kinda doubt it will be a big role (at least for now). How much will Commissioner Gordon actually contribute in a pair of Justice League movies? Or will the Justice League have to unite because Gordon and Bats are having trouble with the Penguin?

Yup, another child she lost.

Maybe something to do with the cell the cheese maker had? He’s definitely up to something.

I get it. Though I think it will be a while before we do.

Didn’t like the trailer. Must be sexist.

Yeah like that zany time his parents were gunned down in front of him.

George Clooney from Batman and Robin? That’s what you want???

Darth Maul: the Boba Fett of the prequels- all looks; no substance.

So you would rather a white actor be cast as Shang-Chi?

Is that how you felt when Charlie Cox was cast as Daredevil?

That would be one long ass holodeck program. But it does explain the decontamination scenes with T’Pol. Riker knows what’s up.

Like why even call him Lex Luthor? Oh yeah, because money.

Except they’re is about serving the state, the other is about maximum personal autonomy. Doesn’t get much different.

We have finally seen footage from Paul Feig’s rebooted Ghostbusters and it looks perfect.

It will be black and grey...just like everything else.

This is my major complaint. It’s one thing to give everyone something to do in a movie like the Avengers. But this is a weekly series. Some of the scenes do nothing to advance story, character or plot. Pure filler.

Yeah, I thought the same thing.