Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

@NeonCat: Uh, are we twins???? Did you also get rejected by Susan DenBleyker in freshman year of college??? FREAKY!

@bananaDoc: Yes, they are all fully functional...One is for the oil slick, 2 are for the smoke screen and the other gives off the charming aroma of fresh baked cookies!

Austin Powers: "You know what's remarkable? Is how much England looks in no way like Southern California".

The heater worked, cept it only heated your feet so you'd freeze up top and literally cook your feet. Still, that car started my love for quirky cars that I have to this day

STEYR PUCH PINZGAUER 710K (But only because KILLDOZER was not a Military vehicle! All Hail KILLDOZER!)

@ash78: I'm proud of you going above and beyond just doing "My Corona" by the Knack

@Ray Wert: Its Okay Ray as long as you are not singing "the touch" in the shower

@karguy427: WOW, that should be just down the street from me. I'll drive by and report in and see whats hanging out there....If there is even a lot still there!

@Mad_Science: Tell him your reading up on protecting the business from crazy dudes in fully Armored Kamatsu bulldozers

Here she is just after getting out of my Isetta....either smiling cause she is with me, or Smiling cause she is no longer IN an Isetta!

@NcSchu: Thats Brazil??? No wonder Jonathan Pryce dreamed of flying over it!

@workingonyourinvoice: Thats why I picked it as my armageddon car! Some of these others are just Hollywood fluff, THAT bad boy is real and Proven!

No No No, Chris, I asked it you were ever nailed IN a Beetle...and by nailed I mean.....nevermind, anyone who nails their hands to the roof of a VW has never been "Nailed"

And to think probably just one douchebag started this whole thing!

@ØmÆgä ßrÅff: Well Im a poor man and I'll stay away from Borats Leftovers thank you!

I still Say Amy Adams in an Isetta

My friends dad had one of these with of all things fake corkboard siding! Not woodgrain, Corkboard...and FAKE corkboard??? WTF is that??