Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

Florida law says Insurance must pay 100% on a busted windsheild! How many bricks will be throw through em once these babies are availiale????

@worduphomekey: West Hollywood as well, though its usless for antiquing unless you only buy really small nightstands.

@ash78: I agree with you Ash, A Cutlass IS basically a Bu and their saying its Crap. Never berate your own product. Use debadged Ford Taurus or sumtin!

They need action figures: Jezza, Hamster, Cpt Slow and a Stig that when you remove his Helmet he is revealed to be George Lucas.

Ford offered to throw in Mercury for free, but Tata said NO, they wanted a Brand with a BETTER rep than theirs

It detects water and blood??? So Keith Richards is undetectable???

Can you hook a DR rototiller to the back of it???

@PatFromGundo: They think its the end of the Road.....but it would still look great driving it in MotownPhilly

Their Marketing stragedy is to get 2 guys in a white Astro van to drive around parking lots and......

"I'm not a FRENCHY! I am a BELGIE!"

@ash78: It more this!

I can't have one of these. Where is Trunk Monkey gonna fit if I have 2 dead Hookers in the............Again, I've said to much

I heard Gunlopnik put The Truth About Pistols out of business

My sister had a 78 Skyhawk and all I remember is that the spare tire came deflated and I always found that WEIRD. You spare should be full of air! If I had an air pump, I wouldn't have a flat in the first place!

BMW Isetta drive UP the red carpet over Joan Rivers, stop in front of Seacrest and get out with Amy Adams in tow and ask where the snack bar is.

@Mike the Dog: I believe it was the Dodge m4s Concept Car.

Stig is like Frankenstein in "Death Race 2000" It doesn't matter who he is.

Drivers in L.A. will soon get the "tossable" Tom Tom.

Yes, Great driving car. Solid.

Step one: grow Catnip on Beetle