I'll go Late 50's to late 60's fan as well. I love a 58 Plymouth Fury or a 59 Impala, I love the late 60's Volvo p1800s or a 60's Mini. (As long as I can have my Boat tail Riviera as well)
I'll go Late 50's to late 60's fan as well. I love a 58 Plymouth Fury or a 59 Impala, I love the late 60's Volvo p1800s or a 60's Mini. (As long as I can have my Boat tail Riviera as well)
Next Week, A Skoda Superb commercial done entirely in Esperanto!
@Rust-MyEnemy: If you can drop a HiLux off of an Imploding Building, thats worth the price alone!
Der Superverfolgung Modus ist, als er den Haifisch sprang!
Most of the people I see driving Porsches around L.A. are either Trophy wives/GFs...Old balding fat guys...and creepy dudes who bought a Porsche to try and pick up women so they wouldn't have to masturbate alone anymore!
Hey Kids, Stay in Drugs, Drink your School and Don't do Milk and you'll get work just like Mr.T!
Future Models include the Skoda Fine and Dandy, The Skoda Okay, and the Sport Utility, the Skoda MEH!
The main reason they want a RWD Platform??? The Police Business!
SO that Abandoned, faded and rotting 75 Silverado in my neighbors yard is now hip and cool???
I am still back and forth between Hummer and BMW. Hummer products are pretty much useless overkill...and the 5 cyl H3 has as much acceleration as Seth rogan on a Huffy BMX bike......and BMW were once nice cars till Bangle and the I-Drive came along. The only reason a Dial like that should be on the console of ANY car…
Cameras that have to shoot the rear of your car for the plate are okay...Here in L.A. where we have a front plate, they shoot the nose of the car...on an overcast day, the flash hits you right in the face..at least on the one on Sunset and Cahuenga. What I laugh at is all the west coast journalists who write all the…
Because, Hey! E85 is easy to find in the wilderness!
Javelin all the way! And with the Pierre Cardin wacky retro interior to boot FTW!
@Mad_Science: There's a good Buick???
Jelly Bean??? Bertie Botts Every Flavored TaTas???
Everytime I see one of these Embargo Breaks, I picture a lil guy riding on top of some huge guy deep in GM's basement talking into a speakerbox going "Who run Barter Town? LIFT EMBARGO!"
Yes, My 07 Xterra Off Road with a 6 Speed makes me happy....in traffic....in the rain....with the CD player jammin...yes
Looks just like Mischa Barton's Range Rover....wait a minute!
The Onboard Computer would have attempted to correct the Driver error, but it was busy draining Jeremy Clarkson's bank account
That Cord will be appearing as is in the new Death Race movie.......With Gatling guns in the headlamp bezels