Will there me a Goldmember Edition???
Will there me a Goldmember Edition???
All of a sudden, I'm hungry for Chocolate Pudding
Ford was so dern happy with the response they got for providing the vehicles for "Team Knight Rider", how could they refuse this????
@CharlzR: I'd rather drive a Bug with a Rolls grill on it than this load! The bug is funny/quirky....this is just UGH!
Um.....Mercury Tracer??
Wait, People WANT a Ford Edge?????
55 bucks a day to park???? Does Keeley Hazel Valet it for ya in a Bikini??
This thing fully armed with extra ammo still could not shoot its way through the afternoon 405 rush hour!
Ford Edge....not so edgy covered in white stuff
WOW! Why can't American Buicks be built to the High Quality Standards of Chinese ones??
Yes, in a rented Dodge Magnum in Florida. I rolled into a parking lot and walked 6 blocks to a gas station and bought a gas can and filled it, walked back to the magnum and then drove it to the station. My fault for not looking at the guage, but the light never came on...had a defective bulb.
I remember my Dad's 1965 Impala SS which I thought was Beautiful. This.....this makes me laugh
And for anyone wanting to see the original cars from the movie
Whats the German team gonna use this time??? An EOS with a Jet Motor on the trunk??
MEH, call me when they can make a Fit turn into a nacho cheese dispenser
I vote Mondial.....The backseat is useless for people, but you can put a bucket of KFC back there and the heat off of the overworked engine can keep it piping hot till ya get home!
The Renault Megane Hatch..YEECH! The Bangled 6-Series (Lets see what it looks like if I weld the trunk lid from a 99 Saturn on this) and the last gen Kia Optima (Hello Chevy? Do you have any old Corsica rear ends lying around??)
Mercury Meteor