If we’re giving out civics lessons, I’ll just leave this article explaining the *legal* ways that Trump could raise tariffs without congress.
If we’re giving out civics lessons, I’ll just leave this article explaining the *legal* ways that Trump could raise tariffs without congress.
I was with you...until the paragraph including Republicans want to control every aspect....blah, blah, blah....
Pretty sure these GIFs were wasted on him. He only likes gritty players who show hustle.
I can deal with it. It appears many can’t deal with losing. I guess the upside to marginal car news like this is I get to enjoy the suffering a while longer. Jathetic maybe a better name.
Japolitic. Change the damn name already so someone can use jalopnic for cars again.
No. The joke is LS swap it.
Well, I’m truly sorry that you feel that just because people don’t share your view of a candidate means that they obviously must not have take the election seriously.
Something something something Trumps’ a sink hole something.
Pictured: Hillary Clinton’s Legacy.
I encounter the real world every day. I come here to read car news so I can have five fucking minutes without all of the bullshit. Then assholes like you mosey on in and act like your opinion is God and nobody else’s is valid, even if that person also thinks Trump is an idiot and just wants five damned minutes of…
Reading comprehension FTW.
I hope you liberal asshats end up with Trump haha. Holy shit that’ll be a golden day!
Wait, are you saying you just watched a video on youtube, quoted it as fact, wrote a whole piece about it, and then published it on Jalopnik, all without bothering to look up any facts? Bravo Gawker employee, bravo.
Jalopnik needs 100% more this and 100% fewer shitty jokes from...literally all of their writers.
Jeez, do you not have a semi-current picture of the guy?
Once again, the answer is always XJ.
Anyone who knows anything about turbos and looks at the real world not charts.
No, the main biker protagonist was being a fucknugget. He was undertaking, overtaking, lane splitting, driving on the hard shoulder.
He deserves to have his licence taken away.
Not that the BMW driver showed much more common sense either, and there was no point chasing after the bikes just to make a scene.