
So… the buffalo is a metaphor, yeah? The NPS is working dark, guys.

All fair points, but… how can you have seen this movie and think that the characters are saying "astro" and not "astral"? It comes up kinda a lot…

My friend's house, where we have weekly-ish game nights, is in New Bedford. So I guess I have to get that. Btw, the city is mostly unremarkable but the historic "district" and whaling museum are actually pretty nice.

I took the grudge as coming more from feeling some kinship to Bran (he gave him the saddle schematics back in the day), and until now he's pretty sure Theon burned him alive.

Apologies if you've already been asked this a billion times but have you tried Witcher 3? I generally feel the same as you about Bethesda rpgs vs. Bioware ones and super loved W3.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Bioshock also a spiritual successor to System Shock (SS2 specifically, if I remember correctly)? I feel like that was part of the excitement for BS but I could be remembering wrong.

Do I get cool guy points for understanding the Mr. Show reference?!


I think I've gotten more out of Push the Sky Away than any other album in the last few years, if that makes any sense.

I think we're saying the same thing, I'm probably just splitting hairs by making the distinction between affecting and changing the past. Super agree on those types of stories being pretty stupid.

It's really starting to bother me that I keep seeing "Bran can change the past" seemingly everywhere. Bran can certainly be responsible for past events, but those events already happened when they happened, seemingly linearly. Not saying they won't get to a point where Bran can change things, I just don't see how

I so wanted to love Mania this year. Unfortunately, I agree with everything you said, especially the theme of "nothing matters (except the old guys)." Every match ended in a baffling decision, was super boring, or both. There's so much that just gnaws at my soul (I think Dean being the only guy to not kick out of a

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears…in…rain. Deal with it. *does machine gun hand motion while pyro goes off*

Guess he wasn't listening when they said goodbye.

I felt pretty similarly in the build up to last year and we ended up with one of the best Manias in recent memory. It's definitely a long term problem that they've made a habit of screwing up January-March (most egregiously making the Rumble winner have to win another fight at Fastlane to get the Mania shot) but I'm

Maybe I was too young to notice ( about 16) but I really don't remember people hating this game as much as the slew of recent articles on various sites say they did. I thought it was great and still do.