Ben Stone


I also want Jalopnik to be the place where car enthusiasts talk about the future of car culture, specifically with regard to commuting, climate change, urban sprawl, alienation and other fun topics. The tension between my love of internal combustion engines and my desire to limit the role I play in destroying the

Then hit ctrl-f5 to force full refresh

Not so much. Now, or in the near future.

1. Open article in it’s own tab


Homophobia? Good job refuting the perception of you as damaged. T&Ps bro


Sorry, should have said:

Howthe fuck is the ok hand sign a white power symbol? And even if some idiots use it like that, does that mean it is outlawed for everyone now? Goddamn I hate people this century

Name checks out. Sorry you got diddled as a kid and can't handle it now. Check my username out and let me know what you've got. Moron

This, and buzzfeeds, story are full of manipulative lies. She played with herself in uniform, at work, on the job and then posted it on the internet for pay. Learn to read between the lines and be aware where and whom you’re consuming information from.

Get this click bait trash off of here!

I don’t think you can use .webp format pics for Zoom backgrounds. These are cool though, thanks.

What do you mean “start a new space arms race”? We need to add new capabilites and weapons *because* our enemies already are. The space race has already started, whether it makes us feel better or not and regardless of whether we want it or not.

In what world do we *not need* a space force? Newsflash muggles: Space has been militarized for decades and, treaties or not, our enemies utilize it every day to attack us. It’s time to grow up and live in the real world.

How's quality and reliability? Thanks

How do you like the van? Thanks

I don’t think this scroll bomb makes the point you think it does. Next time, just buy a $3500 10 year old Camry and drive into the ground, or until you have enough money to make more bad financial decisions.

Sounds like *you* can’t fit them into normal parking spaces.