Ben Stone

They didn’t let it slip, the info was from industry watching sources.

Yay! Another article written as if all Americans lived in big cities with functioning mass transit. You know, all 5-7 of them.

Aerodynamics are a advanced as they reasonably can be. We are getting close to the limits of physics.

It is absolutely a feature and not a bug.

I agree. Supposedly their reasoning was that it was easier to manufacture the V6 because of it’s commonality with the LS. Actually, both 6 cylinders were good engines, as was the LS. Chevy definitely had a long run of very good truck engines.

Vehicle fires have different effects depending on whether you're in the army or not? This is new information!

You don't have to live up to that name all the time you know

The local pols have made it very hard to build anything “bad”. This doesn't surprise me, I live here

We've just come out of a worldwide pandemic and here we are with a bunch of folks pushing public transportation. Brilliant!

What proof is there? Specifically?

This shit is nothing but unprovable union pressure tactics, and I’m not surprised the union shills at Gawker are pushing it. Be real journalists and disclose that you received releases and info from labor connections, and that all of the complaintants are just union plants.

So your argument is “they will probably work it out”? The inefficient, incompetent government that loves gas and hates electricity, will eventually figure it out and enact fair fees and taxes?

GMT800 for life!

The guy whining about the Charger must be shaped like a penguin. And he compares a full size American car designed for American drivers, against regular mid sized cars in fuel economy? Just say you personally don’t like the Charger, don’t present bad faith as objectivity.

“They are going to pay the same taxes for the roads as anyone else”.

Choose? lol

This had nothing to do with you. The cops were very accommodating, most wouldn’t have put up with it at all. Your hero is a straight fuсking moron.

“Are a few slackers still around..... of course, think that stuff happens everywhere unionized or not.”

Who cares? The chase was the subject, and it was a great chase.