Ben Stone

If their conduct toward their former distributor is any indication, I doubt they care about being civil.

It’s because of the diesel, the heavy duty trans (for the diesel), and the steel bumpers. Not sure why they didn’t go with a 4cyl gas.

Have you actually ever driven either of those cars? They are perfectly adequate.

Reading this makes me miss the Viper more than I already did, as SRT is really good about engineering their cars to take all day beatings at the track.

There are thousands of miles of freeway at 80 mph in Texas and almost 100 miles 85 mph. The manufacturers wouldn’t waste their time and money developing and utilizing these modern multi-speed transmissions if they didn’t help their economy ratings and weren’t used in the real world. Just because your state may have

I get what you’re saying, but 8-9 gear do come into play above 80 and highway speeds are already averaging around that number and climbing every year.

“In a world where most people will never go over 80 in their lives, not a chance.”

ZF is the reason those 9 speeds shift clunky from 4-5. They are designed with dog clutches and shitty digi-sticks from the ZF factory. FCA had no control over their design.

Bragging rights? No. Government fuel economy mandates? Yes. The car companies would have been perfectly happy sticking with 6 speeds if they could have, but need to squeeze the extra highway mileage and drivability of large ratio spread transmissions.

I don’t know. Why didn’t you ask her why while you were having you and you wife’s time wasted?

She was pulled over because the computer/license plate scanner told him her insurance was expired. The real outrage is why she thought it was okay to operate a ride share business without insurance. Of course that’s far less virtue-signally.


Use a roll of duct tape flat on the floor/surface. As a bonus, the tackiness on the side will keep it from sliding around.

They have a different stick now in the Durango and Charger that doesn’t reset itself to center-it stays in the position you click it to like you’d expect. Its a fully electronically controlled transmission, they could literally design any kind of shifter they wanted. They could make it voice controlled if they


Ideas like spraying a hot salt-water solution into the enclosure?

I see Ram is sticking to the prndl knob.

“I was on the market for a new 328, guess it’s officially off the list ...”

Why do you care so much? It’s an honest job with honest pay that no one is forced against their will to perform. Grow up.

To be fair the Ford 4.6 has always been a wheezy dog, whereas the 3.6 Pentastar is actually a really good engine. Regardless, vans are really fast nowadays.