
The proportions seem off.

We had a Eagle Vision as a family car growing up. I have to say, it was a great vehicle. Plenty of room for all three kids and their soccer gear, and very comfortable for road trips. I loved that car.

what is their incentive to ever improve compensation?

I negotiate my own salary without having to give up 1/3 of my paycheck for a corrupt 3rd party to do it for me.

If factories want to do away with unions, then they’d better be willing to engage in individual wage negotiations with every employee.

BUX = Built-Up Export [Ex Wiki (CKD): cars assembled in the country of origin and exported whole to the destination market are known as BUX (for built-up export)].

That attitude says a lot more about you than Tesla. Good luck with that.

Wasn’t Ford paying $5/day well before unions existed? It’s pretty clear Ford started modern consumerism by paying his employees enough to have ample expendable income

What, does Honda have to come over here and do the cutting themselves?

I wouldn’t use Robert Downey Jr as a good example to make that point. RDJ was blacklisted, got sober and then slowly was allowed back in with pretty big strings attached (most of his salary with-held until wrap, hefty insurance policies paid for by his advocates). That was *after* he was Sober.

Courtney Love was

I didn’t say anything about her talent disappearing or, dear lord, her “20-something fuckability”. You’ve taken my defense of Courtney Love and tried to characterize it as an offensive, sexist attack on her for aging - an attack created out of whole cloth, seemingly because you didn’t like a turn of phrase I used and

Same. It’s how I found out my Mini has a cooled and heated glove box.

Even if it’s fake, it will still not be the most elaborate car prank.

I also do the same thing. People ask me how I know how to do so many different things and a lot of the time I tell them “I read the manual.”

I actually like reading the manual. Lots of it is dry but there is always something I learn I didn’t know.

Every new car that I’ve ever bought spends it’s first evening in the garage with a six pack of beer, me, and the manuals. Feel free to call me a dork.

There’s nothing “disgusting” about pointing to the obvious truth about someone. What, Courtney is allowed to be a horrible person to countless peers in the music and film industry for 30 years but we’re not allowed to talk about it?

That’s not feminism. It’s silencing. You can stop that now.

Nobody likes her and it’s not because she a woman. It’s because she’s an asshole.
And riffing on anybody for calling her an asshole isn’t feminism, it’s also being an asshole.
Consider the irony of defending Courtney for warning us about an asshole but silencing everyone else for warning us that Courtney has a

While I don’t doubt one second that talent agencies would blacklist people for speaking out against Weinstein or other Big League Hollywood Predators, how do we know she wasn’t blacklisted for simply being Courtney Love?

And Moon at the bottom. Feh.