Ben Stein

If this sort of thing interests you, I cannot recommend the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks enough. It's an interesting look into the origins of a strain of cancer cells called HeLa that are technically immortal and still heavily studied today. It takes equal looks both at the ethical gray areas around using

+1 for using the picture of him while he was going through his "getting shot in the chest" phase.

The Maple Leafs' planned response next game:

This is gonna be super on point when Belichick shoots Wes Welker with a crossbow after the game.

I'm thinking that powering a starship with a black hole might not be a real good idea.

Watching his team eat Newman was the former top moment.

Wrong Graphic Is Wrong, Graphic

"We show Wizards games three times a week. What's a few more seconds of junk?"

I suppose the ending wasn't quite as bleak as the rest of the film, but it's still pretty damn bleak.

Usually when someone from Southern California has trouble buying something, they just ask Pete Carroll.

"Philip Rivers throws to... who I can only assume is an undrafted rookie from Appalachian State... And INTERCEPTED... by... a guy who probably played in the CFL last year? Maybe? Fuck it."

Now playing

And who can forget the second part of the scene?

"What do you believe in, huh? WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN," he spoke before the gas grenade pressed into his mouth.

Now playing

Nostalgia vibes through the roof for me with this. First Turtles movie needs more respect. The drums! The guitar! Look at that shadow! Look at the bloom on his helmet! The set design and lighting is arranged so when his shadow disappears we can see his silhouette! And the swoop down and pan around by the camera!

Oh yeah, ABC, damnit.

While everyone here is bickering over and debating things like peak oil, recent discoveries, villainization and Borealis's realism, was i really the only one to notice that this TV pilot likely doesn't take place in our universe, thereby making such debating unnecessary.