Ben Roethlisberger's Face Mole

Love the logo lettering on the tailgate. Why can’t we have these here in USA?

The real accomplishment here is that the baby didn’t drop the binky out of his mouth.

Guess they upgraded for the in-flight wifi?

*kisses mirror*

What about that Corona in a jug? I thought it was passable.

Yeah, barf.

That’s it, I’m sick of this bullshit. *calls Halifax Rainmen front office to complain, gets fax machine noise on other end of line*

I made the mistake of reading her tweets profile before the profile was deleted.


Will they still play walk up music? So many questions. So much desolation. So surreal.

I am a USAH ref as well. What’s written down is basically the same stuff that they teach you at clinics. It’s heartening and encouraging to me that according to these pictures, the message is the same no matter what the level. Emphasis on player safety, not taking any shit, having your partners’ backs, working and

Wow, he even parks like an asshole. Not surprised.

Where’d they get those benches, Burger King? Am I right?!?

Who wrote this, Dan Rather? Everyone knows that Carson City is in Nevada.

An underground skyscraper is my choice for re-purposing.

Wow, way to make a statement, you sure showed him, and looked very dad-like in doing so!

At least you didn’t try to get the judges’ sympathy by mentioning a dead relative or pet, Drew. And you didn’t cut yourself.

The sign should just say “CROATOAN”

I could see Sage Stallone pulling this kind of caper but NOT SAGE STEELE.

Die Lebron's mom bang this guy yet?