Killermonkey (Your argument is invalid)

Dammit. I want J-Stars Victory Vs. to get localized. Seeing as how that's never gonna happen, import stores - here I come!

The front of department store Shibuya Parco in Tokyo is a mass of rubble! One Piece's Luffy threw a massive punch into the pavement. Just wait until Goku unleashes that kamehameha!

Things like this make me love living in the US and having access to 1GB Google fiber.


...guess you had to be there..

Won't happen. Getting invited is 80% luck/20% skill right now.

I'm crying today for one reason. It has nothing to do with CoD.

the transition to Flapptaku was so gradual you hardly even noticed

Those sly devils, but they can't put one past us, eh?

Them sounds!

"good year for pop music" means absolutely nothing. It really saddens me to see people thinking any of that stuff is "good" in any way.

Couldn't decide which of these two was better, so you get a double heaping of Tony.

This sums it up.

In related breaking news, blockbuster shockingly still exists.

aww man was pretty entertaining then the wub wub music started. I dont want to sound like an old man but I hate that noise.

Now playing

Worth the repost:
Danny and Ross of Steam Train (part of Game Grumps) played a version of this game's demo that was specifically tailored for them, narrator and all. It was quite hilarious, ^_^

It was already fixed in the previous patch.