Killermonkey (Your argument is invalid)

No he's speaking for me as well. Im sure you get a hard on from other people seeing how powerful your pc is. But even as a long time pc gamer i really dont care either.

I hate the way that people will judge a game based on its predecessors. Cant this Thief just be based off its own merits? The AI is a bit shit on Normal difficulty but the game itself is great fun. Fantastic environment, story, gameplay etc. And my god, that Asylum level? Scared the SHIT out of me.

I didn't act like anything, just stated a fact about reaction based games on mobile devices. Make of that what you will.

And who wants to enjoy a party if its 80% luck.. amirite?! In fact, i dont think anybody should enjoy them!

I bet you'd be really fun at parties, if only you could get invited....

It's hardly precise control, its up down left or right. And as for timing, there are PLENTY of reaction/timing based games that work very smoothly for mobile devices. So im not sure how valid your point is.

What is going on with the comment section i dont even understand what i'm looking at anymore. Kinja goes through more facelifts than a 60 year old Beverly Hills resident.

This looks like fun but it's a real shame this isnt on mobile devices.

Not played it but im pretty sure its called The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot

Not played it but im pretty sure its called Mighty Quest for Epic Loot.

"I dont always Recommend a comment. But when i do, i do it ironically"

But what if someone listens to this idiot?!

And apparently i cant spell "horror" correctly. Point still just as valid though.

I'd like to think so... I really would. But can we be so sure? Im not optimistic/naive enough to think so

"another Call of Duty, but with a steampunk/horrir aspect." lol i worry about the future of gaming with people like you around.

Personally i think my suggestion was better. This is what happens when you dont consult me before getting married.

"You killed my father now prepare to die"?

Why did they hand out codes then if anyone can join? Does my pc beta im playing end soon then?

First off. Id like to say how happy i am to see mangas being reviewed on here. I only read manga and theres so many great stories that havent been turned into animes or that have been ruined when turned into them. Secondly, if you want a good immortality action/shounen manga to read then check out "UQ Holder!" Its

My problem is people who dislike games without ever having played them. People are just so pre-judgemental about so much in life. I couldnt give two fucks whether Sonic Boom was good or not, but thinking it "might" be bad, and saying it "is" bad are two different things. And you saying "I hope its not going to be like