Genuine question here. Is this not just a poor mans anime? It just seems as much a cartoon as pokemon. As in its really more of a children's cartoon than a decent mature anime.
Genuine question here. Is this not just a poor mans anime? It just seems as much a cartoon as pokemon. As in its really more of a children's cartoon than a decent mature anime.
Gullibility level over 9000
Why do you say that? WarZ is a standalone game and its got just as rampant an issue with it.
Because hacking and shoot on sight douches have never been an issue in DayZ lol.
Whos right?
Think yours might be a contender for dumbest comment of the year. Congratulations.
According to the latest article. It would seem you were incorrect. Who'd have guessed.
URL fail here? Young boy spends five years writing online text adventure? WTF
Nice retort. No actual concise point or thought for that matter. But if someone raises a valid argument they are "fanboys". Yes i am indeed a fan of having an easier life.
Unfortunately i have complete faith that it isnt the ONLY instance of sexism that you waste yours and everybody elses time with. Keep fighting the man girlfriend! Dont let him push you down!
Yeah i much prefer the days of waiting in queues and having to go out and about to get a copy of a game thats largely sold out. Being able to just click a couple times and have the game installed for me, c++ and directx updated instantly. And the game patched automatically whenever its updated just annoys me! Doesnt…
Well i would expect it more and more as articles like this crop up. I've been coming here for years now and i'm starting to consider leaving permanently. These articles are like you walking into your local gamestop, seeing no women on the till and calling the store sexist. There are women that work there but they just…
And you will continue to go around placing labels of sexism when there is none. And while you are busy calling your local Gamestop sexist because it doesnt have a female on the till, meanwhile, there are real occurrences of sexism happening out there that dont have anybody speaking out for them because all the fools…
lol this war is as old as time. How is there a winner or loser? Just buy the consoles you want. They each have their own good and bad points. They will both sell a shit ton so how will either lose.
What do you mean i cant see them? Im a gay black man. I face racism and homophobia all the time. Who are YOU to tell me what i see just because i have my opinion? The second you told me that my opinion was "Laughable" YOU lost all credibility. You cant fight the way people think if you think that their opinions are…
Truly non racist non sexist people dont see any difference between men, women, white or black when it comes to these stupid issues. I'm not saying there arent any actual differences, and when real sexism or racism occurs then it should be spoken up against. But what you are doing is the equivalent of shouting:
If you cant be bothered to write a concise point i cant be bothered to click your link.
Not much of a reveal in the end ey lol.
Your nose will get a rash if it's in there too long.
Where would one see this reveal? and any idea what time?