Curseeee youuuu *shakes fist aggressively*
Curseeee youuuu *shakes fist aggressively*
You were once a young teenage girl? And then you went on the internet...
Well it sounds like you watch Anime so im not really sure what you expected. Anime is always dragged out which is why reading the Manga is best. But i love Fairy Tail, though the fight scenes are over way too quickly IMO, especially in the latest arcs.
I really hate being such an increadibly huge fanboy of the series. I mean, most of the films sucked, Strong world was a darn site better than most of the films and the Chopper re-enactment was good but i just cant help but love everything One piece related. No matter its quality. Damn bias.
I thought that was the 10th
Sorry i dont see where it says it will hover...
ARGHHH LAZER MONKEY... Shocked face on the left?
Depending on how much he likes you that could be the perfect gift for him mind you. I jest, he seems impossible to buy for though, maybe an afternoon of Zorbing, he seems very much the type to need to do something out of his comfort zone perhaps bunjee jumping. How do you buy for someone who, if they wanted something,…
If you frequent Kotaku you already knew this anyway.
Leave your wife and find someone whos father is content with hand towels. Thats my advice.
Very well said.
Yeah im looking forward to it aswell. Looks a bit more no nonsense, and i dont mean that in terms of the odd humour and over the top-ness but more in that they just fight and theres not as much bullshit with hours of cut scenes.
I really cant stand the MGS series. Wish i did but the plot just seems so bloody convoluted.
I mean, who's that crazy about Vinegar of all things? Seems a bit odd to me but to each his own. Maybe get him a Quadrocopter, or 2 for dog fights. My dad got one for Christmas, theyre about £299.
I get what you are saying but even if you re-use them you have still technically paid off that item you used it for, its the stuff you keep buying that you are then paying off. I mean its neither here nor there, just saying they arent exactly the same and we both agree lol.
I could not agree more. I was really excited about Borderlands 2 before it came out, and when i started playing it i was really enjoying it. But then i got to a point where i just could not bring myself to play anymore. Its just too monotonous, you do the same thing over and over again and aside from the car driving…
Yeah but thats different. A credit card, once you pay it off, thats then done. But you will never stop paying for a rental computer. So that a $500 will cost you thousands just because you never stop paying it.
Yeah ironically you come across as a complete douche in that comment. And your racist screen name.
Ah the scum of humanity has presented itself once again.
Alright you and pokey need to get out more ladies.