276 Gentlemans Agreement


My mental sequence as I read this:

The metric system is better.

I’m in complete agreement with you. I do this all the time. I spot something and decide it’s not worth saving so I smash it more. Old lady’s house with the falling in porch, smashed. That old desk sitting by a uhaul, smash. That lawnmower looks like it don’t run right, smash. A person with late stage cancer, smash.

Counter-point: It’s not your property so don’t fucking touch it.

maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.

While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”

Meanwhile, across the street, the BMW folks are hopeful that they’ll be able to squeeze in a second car.

Superb. What else do you have in the warehouse?

That’s all well and good, but what happens when one gets struck by lightning and emerges from the hurricane as a sentient and hostile artificial intelligence?

You’re never overpaid if someone is willing to pay it...

Cuss all you want in the body of the article, but for the love of God can you stop dropping F bombs in the title of articles, particularly for something that everyone wants to read like The Morning Shift? You are going to get banned by our IT people, and then I’m going to have to work,

I have played softball. I am as capable as any player on the Yankees and should be paid accordingly.

I love this. This is how we should modernize old cars if cars of a certain age are eventually banned like in some European cities.

This is the only thing that would prevent me from getting an F430 or Gallardo once I can afford one. I hate social interaction with strangers. It makes me clammy and I always come off as someone with borderline Asperger’s (and then think of 20 things I should’ve said instead once the conversation is over). No supercar

For me it’s the reality of supercars. They’re pretty to look at, sure, but think about driving one. No, not your idealized version of driving one, think of actually driving one. Never being able to get on the throttle. Every idiot making their idiot comments. Being revved on by every jackass in a Civic or

Actual photo of pilot

Even even all of that $80M went to the people who had their cars repossessed, that’s $4,000 a person. Having your transportation stolen in the night is a little more disruptive than $4k. Some people need to go to jail over this, but of course it will never happen.

I think $1800 would be the right price for a 12 year old Kia before the flood damage.

I feel like Toyota deserves a special shoutout for the above and beyond efforts here. 3 million plus $250,000 local dealer match money plus financial deferments and extensions for loans? They seem like they are actually making an effort here.