
American Black culture idolizes violent criminals like Diddy.  Everyone he knew was complicit by their silence. How many times do we need to hear about celebrities covering up the wrongdoing of their peers before it finally dawns on us that one’s public persona and their private life are not the same?

OK, I don’t usually post in meme form, but I came across this recently...and yeah, it’s bang on:

They got a little handsy at the end.

But, how did the rest of your date with the Black Keys go?

I have heard that as well but I gotta wonder if some of that is just loosening people up for the cult sell

Cruise is a loon but everyone he works with is highly complementary of his professionalism and how he treats people, so this isn’t entirely surprising.

Yeah, good on them for trying, but The Black Keys oughtta be a $50 ticket (maximum) at the House of Blues or somesuch.

Who wants to pay an exorbitant cost to watch a sea of recording cellphones? 

Everyone has the right to bear worms. 

Hey, nothing says “let the free market decide” like the government quashing the competition!

I think its the best “odd” one, for sure. The problem is so many folks can only do good or bad, they can’t do levels. This is a fun movie, lots of good performances.

I can’t wait for Dutch customs authorities to release a sick diss track about the situation.

I really think one of the things the pandemic and lock down captured in Americans is the joy of going outside. I just feel like more people are still enjoying the good spring weather and would rather not go to a movie right now.   Maybe I’m wrong. 

Every time I see these all these “lowest box office since whatever” pieces, they seem to always leave out what’s likely a big driver;

My very first thought lol

Now playing

Listen up Minaj. It’s a mirage. This is sabotage.

People are going to use this to make grand proclamations, but I think people forget that despite how revered it is in some circles, Fury Road was not a huge hit. It made $45 mil opening weekend, and I sincerely don’t understand how the prequel was expected to do anywhere near as well considering it’s

I don’t understand the AV Club’s constant wailing about how cruel it is to cancel shows that no one (the AV Club included) gave a damn about. These shows ain’t Arrested Development or Freaks and Geeks. The aren’t critical darlings with a small but loyal fanbase.

The title of this article should have been, "The Acolyte gets rave reviews from the author of this article and from other cherry picked internet randos."

It was a good film, I really enjoyed it. I’m also not surprised in the slightest idiots on both sides got all up in arms because the film never explicitly confirmed who started the war, red or blue ties.