
“The technique allows runners to skip a very large gate in the Gerudo Fortress as Child Link. Normally, Link cannot be in this area as a child but it is possible to reach with other creative tricks”

As a former QA tester, I would have filed a bug report for this. Accessing any part of the game you aren’t intended to at a given moment is a bug. It doesn’t matter if you’re using game mechanics to get to the location. The simple fact that you aren’t supposed to get there makes it a bug.

If I set up a hurdle in front of you and said “Don’t go over this.” And you walked around it, you’re just rules-lawyering the rule I set forth. It’s against the spirit of what rules I set. The same goes for the gate. It was placed there for a reason, to prevent entrance. Just because he -can- force his way over it via

You know some of us southern rednecks are educated and articulate and can put together a whole sentence. We are as much a melting pot as any northern or Middle American city. This becomes quite tiresome after a while. There are rednecks across this entire country. I’ve traveled from the east coast to the west

I’m a POC and, when I was younger, I genuinely could not understand why Jewish people are not considered white. I was deeply and entirely baffled by this. It wasn’t until I took a college course on the history of Judaism and the founding of modern Israel that I even vaguely understood the distinction and, even after

Race is a social construct. My Italian grandfather was not considered white, but I am.

The more we white wash and erase the horrors of the past, the less likely we are to learn from the past. And the more likely we are to repeat those same mistakes.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Would it be good for Smash as an e-sport if Nintendo pushed it? Maybe. Probably. Nintendo has no experience with e-sports though. They are obsessively controlling of their properties, though. If they really dove in to the smash pro scene I think the current smash scene would be scrapped. It would be transformed into

“and if it wasn’t for one specific game would be the second coming of the virtual boy,”

I think you are missing the bigger lesson from this story. Tournament level players are CHEATING. I’m sorry but if you are using equipment outside of the factory specifications in a way that isn’t easily accessible to everyone who decides to play then you are cheating. If there is a bug in the game then you deal with

I have to agree with Mr. Totilo on this one. Wrong.

Thanks detective, for your totally useless assumptions. Good work.

After using domestic airlines all my life, I felt like royalty the first time I flew internationally on an Asian airline. I had no idea flying could be such a pleasant experience before that.

It must be hard not to hit someone who says “hit me”. Like, come on man, you’re literally asking for it.

No passing zones are no passing zones for a reason - typically because passing there would be reckless, and dangerous to those travelling the opposite direction.

But breaking the law is not harmless! It’s automatically immoral and unsafe regardless of the circumstances!

No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.

Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.